Hi all,

> > > | Standorteinstellungen ist ein Rahmen, um zwischen mehreren Sprachen
> > > | zu wechseln, für Benutzer, die Ihre Sprache, Ihr Land, Ihren
> > > | Zeichensatz, Ihre Sortierreihenfolge usw. auswählen können.
> > >
> > > That's just rubbish. Whoever submitted this, he had used automated
> > > translation, not knowledge of the German language. Please get in touch
> > > with the submitter to have this rectified. A rough translation might
> > > be like
> I strongly refute that the translation is »rubbish«. Assuming that the
> english original cited below is correct, the translation is valid. I
> agree with the submitter, though, that it does not sound very nice.
> > > | Standorteinstellungen ist ein System, um zwischen verschiedenen
> > > | Sprachen umzuschalten. Nutzer können damit ihre Sprache, ihr Land,
> > > | ihren Zeichensatz, die Sortierreihenfolge und anderes mehr festlegen.
> This sounds better, but is not the translation of the english
> original. For non-Germans, this would be:
> | Locales is a system to switch between different languages. Users can
> | determine their language, country, character set, collation order
> | etc. with it.
> |
> > > For your reference, the according english message is:
> > > | Locale is a framework to switch between multiple languages for users
> > > | who can select to use their language, country, characters, collation
> > > | order, etc.
> > >
> > > In my humble opinion and altough I'm not a native English speaker: This
> > > sentence isn't good style. Perhaps this should rather be
> > > "(...) switch between multiple languages. Users can select to (...)".
> Yes, I agree that this change should be applied to the original. Then
> the proposed new translation could be used as well (with slight
> modifications in the verbs, perhaps).

First I also agree, that the changes by Helge should be applied to then 

Helge, but this is also a typical example where the original translator 
sticked to much to a word by word translation. imho it is also okay to 
translate "framework" with »System«. What we need to do is to get the meaning 
across the way it was supposed by the English author. 

Just my 2 Cents (also mein Senf ;-) -- I do not want to go into a full depth 
discussion on this. 

Kind regards,


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