
After extensive research we have picked our best winner
for this month-GSRS. It is on the move, this company
is producing real revenue and expanding it's operations
this is a real winner and this weekend coming up it will
have great news to be released with explosive promotions
don't miss this winner you can turn 500.00 into 5,000.00
or 1,000.00 into 10,000.00 Here is your chance to get
in and make some serious returns our last return produced
400%. Here is the information below:

Pure Profits St0ck Reporter - GSRS Is On The Move

Ticker: GSRS . PK
Current-Price:                              .28
Short Term Target-Price:                    .70
12 month Target-Price:                      1.5O

Latest News-

Gold Coast Resources, Inc. Completes Initial Exploration
of New Property.

LAS VEGAS--Gold Coast Resources, Inc.(Pink_Sheets:GSRS)
Management announced a successful completion of the
Company's initial exploration of its recently acquired
Ahanta Concession.

The Ahanta concession is situated in the central part of
the Ashanti Gold Belt, one of the key mineralized and
gold belts of Ghana, West Africa. It is just north of
the village of Butre on the southern coast of Ghana.
The concession is irregular shaped laying approximately
between 4 deg. 49 min. 07 sec. North latitude by 1 deg.
57 min. 16 sec. West longitude and 4 deg. 53 min. 15 sec.
North latitude by 1 deg.' 53 min. 02 sec. West longitude,
and covers around thirty two square kilometers.
Joseph Kingsley Annan, President and CEO stated, "This
property was selected to enhance the Company's exploration
inventory and to broaden joint venture and funding options.
This concession is bordered by properties with high gold
production and proven gold reserves, all in the same
mineralized belt as the Ahanta. The results of our "in-house"
exploration exceed available historical data and prior
testing to the point that the company is engaging independent
geologists to perform the same testing for publication
under the aegis of their engineering license."

The Company also owns the concession for the Akoon mine
located at the north end of the town of Tarkwa, in the
Western Region of Ghana. Historically, the Akoon mine has
produced approximately 140 tons of gold (over 4.4 million
ounces) with at least twice that many ounces of gold in

Ticker: GSRS . pK
Current-Price:                              .28
Short Term Target-Price:                    .70
12 month Target-Price:                      1.5O

T his pre ss release co ntains forw ard looking statem ents
within the meaning of the Pr ivate Securi ties L itigation
Reform Act of 1995. Such statements can be identified by
the lead-in Loo king Forwa rd. These stat ements are not
guara ntees of fu ture perfo rmance and involve significant
risks and uncer tainties. Actual result s may vary materially
from those in the for ward loo king statem ents as a result
of the effectiveness of mana gement's str ategies and
deci sions, gener al economic and business c onditions,
new or mo dified sta tutory or regul atory requ irements,
and changing pr ice and m arket con ditions. No ass urance
can be given th at these are all the fa ctors that could
cause act ual results to vary mate rially from the fo rward
look ing sta tem ent.amasser. cajolery luckily

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