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NeedToUpdate french/international/Dutch.wml from revision 1.9 to revision 1.10 
(maintainer Cyril Brulebois)
--- english/international/Dutch.wml     29 Apr 2014 15:28:07 -0000      1.9
+++ english/international/Dutch.wml     11 Aug 2016 20:25:39 -0000      1.10
@@ -3,21 +3,58 @@
 # This contents of this page is completely the responsibility of
 # the translation team
-   <LI>There is work in progress to add Dutch support to the main
-       pages on the Debian website.
-       If you are interested in helping, please contact the mailing list below!
-   <LI>See also the <a href="dutch/">project website</a> for more
-       information regarding translating Debian into Dutch.
-   <LI>Translation coordinators:
-       <a href="";>Luk Claes</a> and 
-       <a href="";>Bas Zoetekouw</a>.
-   <LI>Dutch mailing list:
-       <a href="";>\
-       (archive and subscription <a 
-       page</a>)
+<h1>Debian in Dutch-speaking countries and territories</h1>
+<p>Debian aims to be a universal operating system.
+This results in Debian not only running on a variety of computer
+architectures, but also wanting to be available in as many languages
+and accessible for as many people as possible. Therefore it is not
+surprising that Debian, originated in the US and using
+English as its primary language, evolved into a global
+network of volunteers with a worldwide userbase.</p>
+<p>In the Dutch-speaking countries and territories around the world there are
+several Debian developers as well as many others who contribute to Debian by
+offering user support, translating the operating system into Dutch
+or converting Debian web pages so that Dutch-speakers can read them in
+their native language.</p>
+<h2>Debian for its Dutch-speaking user base</h2>
+  <li><a href="$(HOME)/social_contract">The Debian <q>Social Contract</q> with 
the Free Software Community</a></li>
+  <li><a href="$(HOME)/intro/cn">Read the Debian web pages in your own 
+  <li>Dutch mailing list for Debian users:
+    <a href="";>mailing list 
+    <a href="";>subscribe to the 
+  </li>
+<h2>Helping out with the translation of Debian</h2>
+<p>We have the ambition to make the Debian operating system and
+its documentation also available in Dutch.
+This can be of great help for people who lack a good command
+of English. For children especially, the lack of a Dutch translation
+can be an important barrier.</p>
+<p>Like the development of the Debian operating system itself,
+its translation also relies on volunteers. If
+you might have some spare time and a reasonable command of
+English, then you could consider contributing too. If such an idea looks
+appealing to you, please find additional information
+at the following locations:</p>
+  <li>At the <a href="dutch/index.html">project website</a> of the
+  Debian translation project you will find additional information
+  on the translation of Debian into Dutch.</li>
+  <li>The Dutch translation is coordinated on this mailing list:
+  <a href="";>
+  (<a href="";>archives
+  and subscription pages</a>).</li>

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