Le jeudi, 17 avril 2014, 08.27:48 Jean-Paul Guillonneau a écrit :
> Package: cups
> Version: 1.7.2-1
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: l10n
> Hi,
> Please find attached the french manual page translation, proofread by
> the debian-l10n-french mailing list contributors.
> Best regards,
> Jean-Paul

Hi Jean-Paul, hi debian-l10n-french,

Thanks for this translation. Unfortunately, this work was based on the 
1.7.1-13 version and 1.7.2 has been released in the mean-time.

There were other problems with this translation file, namely that po4a 
was reporting many (I think 5-10) typesetting errors like substituting > 
with » at the end of a font modifier and missing "B" or "I" in front of 
font modifiers.

To check that this translation is applicable, please follow the 
following steps:

1) clone the CUPS git packaging repository:

  $ git clone https://alioth.debian.org/anonscm/git/printing/cups.git
  $ cd cups

2) read and follow debian/manpage-po4a/README, aka:

2.1) Apply the patches upto manpage-translations.patch:

  $ quilt push manpage-translations.patch

2.2) Launch po4a from the correct directory:

  $ cd man
  $ po4a ../debian/manpage-po4a/cups.cfg

3) The current translation file is in debian/manpage-po4a/po/fr.po; the 
po4a command above should succeed without issues.

I'm attaching a fixed fr.po but it has some fuzzy strings; could you fix 

Thanks in advance, cheers,


P.S.1. If any french translator would like to get commit access to the
       cups packaging repository, I'm happy to ease the commitment!
P.S.2. Je peux répéter tout ça en français si jamais, mais vu que c'est 
       un bug public…

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