
Le 20/03/2012 11:38, Francois LANKAR a écrit :

> passage en LCFC.

En fait on va plutôt repasser en mise à jour : en pièce jointe les
dernières modifications effectuées dans la version original : quelques
paragraphes ajoutés. Par avance merci pour ta mise à jour de la traduction.



Index: english/vote/2012/platforms/algernon.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/vote/2012/platforms/algernon.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.4
--- english/vote/2012/platforms/algernon.wml	11 Mar 2012 01:54:59 -0000	1.2
+++ english/vote/2012/platforms/algernon.wml	20 Mar 2012 21:53:48 -0000	1.4
@@ -206,3 +206,81 @@
 <a href="$(HOME)/vote/2004/platforms/algernon">last time</a>, I'm
 playing to win, despite the perhaps unusual format of this platform.
+<h1 id="reflections">Reflections</h1>
+As is custom, in this section, I would like to speak a few words about the
+platforms this year - about Zack's and Wouter's and my own too.
+<h2 id="stefano-zacchiroli">Stefano Zacchiroli</h2>
+Zack's platform is... interesting. On one hand, it's a clear and well done
+platform, with specific plans listed and ways to achieve them.
+On the other hand, looking at the two bullet points in the preamble, the
+highest priority goal seems to be ensuring that there is a smooth transition to
+a new DPL next year, and that he can finish the pending projects he's been
+guiding the past two years.
+Both goals are commendable, and the pending projects will need to be brought to
+completion aswell. However, I could imagine a better scenario to achieve all
+these goals than reelecting Stefano: change the DPL now, and delegate Stefano
+to guide his projects to completion: he's obviously the most appropriate person
+to do that, giving him a free hand would be a smart move in my opinion.
+This way, Zack can see the pending projects brought to completion, take a huge
+load of work off the shoulders of the DPL (and with this, easing the
+transition), and time permitting, even work together with the DPL to make the
+transition even smoother.
+Since his calls for volunteers to participate in DPL-ish tasks failed in the
+past, I believe turning things around a bit, and letting someone else sit on
+the throne and get his hands dirty, with the former DPL guiding his steps would
+yield better results.
+<h2 id="wouter-verhelst">Wouter Verhelst</h2>
+From reading Wouter's platform, I get the impression that we share similar
+ideas, which is great, because that means all three candidates are pretty much
+on the same page, give or take a few smaller differences.
+However, there's something I miss from his platform, something I find hard to
+pin-point... perhaps a lack of a Bigger Plan? Same thing I miss from Stefano's
+platform. Perhaps it's not even in mine.
+Nevertheless, I think a DPL should not only think within the constraints of a
+one-year term, but have a vision that points past that. I don't see that in
+Wouter's platform, and it certainly isn't in Zack's, either.
+<h2 id="gergely-nagy">Gergely Nagy</h2>
+My own platform was - and still is - a bit of an experiment, and as such,
+wasn't entirely clear, and had only a few answers to the &quot;How?&quot;
+I believed that the hows do not necessarily belong to the platform, there's a
+campaigning period to discuss and refine them. I wouldn't want to put
+bullet-pointed plans into a static platform, that will be indexed and
+searchable for years to come. I'd rather discuss the hows on a mailing list,
+that's more interactive. Nevertheless, some generic ideas were part of my
+platform, just not down to a bullet-pointed action plan.
+Another thing I heard criticised - although the question wasn't raised publicly
+yet - is that my platform gave the impression that we already have sufficient
+packaging manpower. We don't. What I intended to imply, is that we have a
+reasonable inflow of new contributors (though, that can, and certainly must be
+improved) and new packages, that we're on a good track here. What we lack, is
+coordinating that manpower we have, and concentrating it to areas where work is
+still needed. This, in turn, fits into my desire of making people even more
+passionate about what they do.

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