Salut, Une nouvelle annonce est à traduire, au sujet de la disponibilité de LibreOffice dans les rétroportages pour Squeeze. Le fichier dans sa dernière version (en cours de relecture en anglais) est en ligne : Par avance merci au volontaire de répondre par un ITT et de se mettre au boulot ;-). Amicalement David
# Status: [open-for-edit] # $Id: template.wml 1634 2011-02-09 09:32:11Z tolimar $ # $Rev: 1634 $ <define-tag pagetitle>Debian moves to LibreOffice</define-tag> <define-tag release_date>2011-06-17</define-tag> #use wml::debian::news <p> The Debian project is proud to announce that the transition from to LibreOffice has now been completed. LibreOffice has already been available for <q>testing</q> and <q>unstable</q> since March and has now been backported to Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q>, too. </p> <p> Rene Engelhard, Debian's LibreOffice maintainer and member of LibreOffice's Engineering Steering Committee says: <q>I am sure Debian and its users will benefit greatly from this transition, I expect not only an improved collaboration but also quicker development cycles.</q></p> <h2>Installation of LibreOffice</h2> <p> Users of the current stable release Debian 6.0 <q>Squeeze</q> should add the following line in their <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> file <pre> deb squeeze-backports main </pre> After adding this, perform an update and install the package <tt>libreoffice</tt> using the package management software of your choice. </p> <h2>About LibreOffice</h2> <p> LibreOffice is a free software office suite developed by The Document Foundation as a fork of </p> <h2>About Debian</h2> <p> The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of the largest and most influential open source projects. Thousands of volunteers from all over the world work together to create and maintain Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the <q>universal operating system</q>. </p> <h2>Contact Information</h2> <p>For further information, please visit the Debian web pages at <a href="$(HOME)/"></a> or send mail to <>.</p>
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