Package: nagios2
Tags: l10n patch

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../nagios2-common.templates:3
msgid "These templates are work in progress and will change a"
msgstr ""

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../nagios2-common.templates:3
msgid "lot. Do not translate yet!"
msgstr ""

Then, please do no mark templates as translatable instead of using

Attached is a patch to make the current templates compliant with
advices given in the developer's reference AND unmark them for

Please at least apply the "unmark for translation" changes.

--- nagios2-common.templates.ori        2006-02-14 08:00:08.151002596 +0100
+++ nagios2-common.templates    2006-02-14 08:04:15.369829078 +0100
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 Template: nagios2/do-not-translate
 Type: note
-_Description: These templates are work in progress and will change a
+Description: These templates are work in progress and will change a
  lot. Do not translate yet!
 Template: nagios2/httpd
 Type: multiselect
-_Choices: apache, apache-ssl, apache2
-_Default: apache2
-_Description: Please select apache servers to configure for nagios2
- Please select which apache servers should be configured for nagios2.
+Choices: apache, apache-ssl, apache2
+Default: apache2
+Description: Apache servers to configure for nagios2:
+ Please select which Apache servers should be configured for nagios2.
  If you would prefer to perform configuration manually, leave all
  servers unselected.
 Template: nagios2/adminpassword
 Type: password
-_Description: Nagios web administration password?
- Please provide the password to be created with the "nagiosadmin" user
+Description: Nagios web administration password:
+ Please provide the password to be created with the "nagiosadmin" user.
  This is the username and password you will use to log in to your nagios
  installation after configuration is complete.  If you do not provide
@@ -24,20 +24,20 @@
 Template: nagios2/adminpassword-repeat
 Type: password
-_Description: Please retype the password.
+Description: Password confirmation:
 Template: nagios2/adminpassword-mismatch
 Type: note
-_Description: The passwords do not match.
+Description: Passwords mismatch
 Template: nagios2/nagios1-in-apacheconf
 Type: boolean
-_Default: false
-_Description: Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios2?
- Should the apache configuration for nagios2 provide compatibility
- with links from nagios 1.x?
+Default: false
+Description: Enable support for nagios 1.x links in nagios2?
+ Please choose whether the Apache configuration for nagios2 should provide 
+ with links from nagios 1.x.
  If you select this option, the apache configuration used for nagios
- will include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x.  Warning:
- you should not choose this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your
+ will include directives to support URLs from nagios 1.x.
+ You should not choose this option if you still have nagios 1.x on your
  system, or unpredictable results may occur.

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