La page de manuel dir.1 du paquet coreutils doit être traduite
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Thomas Huriaux
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-12-10 15:24+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

# type: TH
#: english/dir.1:2
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "DIR"
msgstr "DIR"

# type: TH
#: english/dir.1:2
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "December 2005"
msgstr "décembre 2005"

# type: TH
#: english/dir.1:2
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "dir 5.93"
msgstr "dir 5.93"

# type: TH
#: english/dir.1:2
#, no-wrap
msgid "User Commands"
msgstr "Commandes"

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:3
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:5
#, fuzzy
msgid "dir - list directory contents"
msgstr "dir - Afficher le contenu de répertoires"

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SYNOPSIS"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:8
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<dir> [I<OPTION>]... [I<FILE>]..."
msgstr "B<dir> [I<OPTION>]... [I<FICHIER>]..."

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:8
#, no-wrap

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:13
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).  Sort "
"entries alphabetically if none of B<-cftuSUX> nor B<--sort>."
msgstr ""
"Afficher les informations au sujet des FICHIERS (du répertoire courant par "
"défaut). Trier les entrées alphabétiquement si aucune des options B<-"
"cftuSUX> ou B<--sort> n'est utilisée."

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:15
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too."
msgstr ""
"Les arguments obligatoires pour les options de formes longues le sont aussi "
"pour les options de formes courtes."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:15
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-a>, B<--all>"
msgstr "B<-a>, B<--all>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:18
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not ignore entries starting with ."
msgstr "ne pas ignorer les entrées débutant par ."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:18
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-A>, B<--almost-all>"
msgstr "B<-A>, B<--almost-all>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:21
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not list implied . and .."
msgstr "ne pas inclure dans la liste . et .."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:21
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--author>"
msgstr "B<--author>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:24
#, fuzzy
msgid "with B<-l>, print the author of each file"
msgstr "avec B<-l>, afficher l'auteur de chaque fichier"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:24
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-b>, B<--escape>"
msgstr "B<-b>, B<--escape>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "print octal escapes for nongraphic characters"
msgstr "afficher en octal les caractères non-graphiques"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:27
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--block-size>=I<SIZE>"
msgstr "B<--block-size>=I<TAILLE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:30
#, fuzzy
msgid "use SIZE-byte blocks"
msgstr "utiliser la TAILLE de blocs"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:30
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-B>, B<--ignore-backups>"
msgstr "B<-B>, B<--ignore-backups>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:33
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not list implied entries ending with ~"
msgstr "ne pas inclure dans la liste, les entrées se terminant par ~"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:33
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-c>"
msgstr "B<-c>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:39
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"with B<-lt>: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last modification of file "
"status information)  with B<-l>: show ctime and sort by name otherwise: sort "
"by ctime"
msgstr ""
"avec B<-lt>: trier par la date de modification et afficher la date de "
"modification (ctime)  avec B<-l>: trier par nom et afficher avec avec la "
"date de modification (ctime)  autrement: trier par la date de modification "

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:39
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-C>"
msgstr "B<-C>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "list entries by columns"
msgstr "afficher en colonnes"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:42
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--color>[=I<WHEN>]"
msgstr "B<--color>[=I<PARAM>]"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:46
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"control whether color is used to distinguish file types.  WHEN may be "
"`never', `always', or `auto'"
msgstr ""
"afficher avec une couleur pour distinguer les types de fichiers de fichiers, "
"selon un des PARAMètres suivants: `never', `always', ou `auto'"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:46
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-d>, B<--directory>"
msgstr "B<-d>, B<--directory>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:50
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"list directory entries instead of contents, and do not dereference symbolic "
msgstr ""
"lister les noms de répertoires plutôt que leur contenu et ne pas déférencer "
"les liens symboliques"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:50
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-D>, B<--dired>"
msgstr "B<-D>, B<--dired>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:53
#, fuzzy
msgid "generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode"
msgstr "générer une sortie adaptée pour le mode « dired » de Emacs"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:53
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-f>"
msgstr "B<-f>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:56
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not sort, enable B<-aU>, disable B<-lst>"
msgstr "ne pas trier, autoriser B<-aU>, interdire B<-lst>"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:56
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-F>, B<--classify>"
msgstr "B<-F>, B<--classify>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:59
#, fuzzy
msgid "append indicator (one of */=E<gt>@|) to entries"
msgstr "ajouter un caractère (parmi */=@|) pour chaque entrée"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:59
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--file-type>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:62
msgid "likewise, except do not append `*'"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:62
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--format>=I<WORD>"
msgstr "B<--format>=I<MODE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"across B<-x>, commas B<-m>, horizontal B<-x>, long B<-l>, single-column B<-"
"1>, verbose B<-l>, vertical B<-C>"
msgstr ""
"afficher selon le MODE suivant: B<-x> croisé, B<-m> avec virgules, B<-x> "
"horizontal, B<-l> long, B<-1> en colonne simple, B<-l> en mode bavard, B<-C> "

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:66
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--full-time>"
msgstr "B<--full-time>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:69
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<-l> B<--time-style>=I<full-iso>"
msgstr "identique à B<-l> B<--time-style>=I<full-iso>"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:69
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-g>"
msgstr "B<-g>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:72
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<-l>, but do not list owner"
msgstr "identique à B<-l> mais n'affiche pas le propriétaire"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:72
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-G>, B<--no-group>"
msgstr "B<-G>, B<--no-group>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:75
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<-l>, but do not list group"
msgstr "identique à B<-l> mais n'affiche pas le groupe"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:75
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-h>, B<--human-readable>"
msgstr "B<-h>, B<--human-readable>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:79
#, fuzzy
msgid "with B<-l>, print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)"
msgstr ""
"avec B<-l> affiche les tailles dans un format lisible par un humain (i.e. 1K "
"234M 2G)"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:79
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--si>"
msgstr "B<--si>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024"
msgstr ""
"identique à B<-h> mais en utilisant un multiple 1000 et non pas de 1024"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:82
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-H>, B<--dereference-command-line>"
msgstr "B<-H>, B<--dereference-command-line>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:85
#, fuzzy
msgid "follow symbolic links listed on the command line"
msgstr "suivre les liens symboliques de la ligne de commande"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:85
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir>"
msgstr "B<--dereference-command-line-symlink-to-dir>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:89
#, fuzzy
msgid "follow each command line symbolic link that points to a directory"
msgstr ""
"suivre chaque lien symbolique de la ligne de commande qui pointe vers un "

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:89
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--hide>=I<PATTERN>"
msgstr "B<--hide>=I<PATTERN>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:93
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN (overridden by B<-a> or "
msgstr ""
"ne pas lister les entrées implicites concordant avec le PATRON du shell "
"(écrasé par B<-a> ou B<-A>)"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:93
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--indicator-style>=I<WORD> append indicator with style WORD to entry 
msgstr "B<--indicator-style>=I<MOT> ajouter en suffixe l'indicateur selon le 

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:97
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"none (default), slash (B<-p>), file-type (B<--file-type>), classify (B<-F>)"
msgstr "none (par défaut), classify (B<-F>), file-type (B<-p>)"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:97
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-i>, B<--inode>"
msgstr "B<-i>, B<--inode>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:100
#, fuzzy
msgid "with B<-l>, print the index number of each file"
msgstr "avec B<-l>, afficher le numéro d'index de chaque fichier"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:100
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-I>, B<--ignore>=I<PATTERN>"
msgstr "B<-I>, B<--ignore>=I<PATRON>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:103
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN"
msgstr ""
"ne pas inclure dans la liste les entrées concordant avec le PATRON de shell"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:103
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-k>"
msgstr "B<-k>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:106
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<--block-size>=I<1K>"
msgstr "identique à B<--block-size>=I<1K>"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:106
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-l>"
msgstr "B<-l>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:109
#, fuzzy
msgid "use a long listing format"
msgstr "utiliser le format long d'affichage"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:109
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-L>, B<--dereference>"
msgstr "B<-L>, B<--dereference>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:114
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"when showing file information for a symbolic link, show information for the "
"file the link references rather than for the link itself"
msgstr ""
"afficher les entrées pointées par des liens symboliques, monter "
"l'information pointée par le lien"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:114
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-m>"
msgstr "B<-m>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:117
#, fuzzy
msgid "fill width with a comma separated list of entries"
msgstr "remplir la largeur par une liste d'entrées séparée par des virgules"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:117
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-n>, B<--numeric-uid-gid>"
msgstr "B<-n>, B<--numeric-uid-gid>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<-l>, but list numeric user and group IDs"
msgstr ""
"identique à B<-l> mais en listant les valeurs numériques des UID et GID"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:120
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-N>, B<--literal>"
msgstr "B<-N>, B<--literal>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "print raw entry names (don't treat e.g. control characters specially)"
msgstr ""
"afficher les noms bruts (ne pas traiter les caractères de contrôle "

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:124
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-o>"
msgstr "B<-o>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "like B<-l>, but do not list group information"
msgstr "identique à B<-l> mais sans lister l'information de groupe"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:127
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-p>, B<--indicator-style>=I<slash>"
msgstr "B<-p>, B<--file-type>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "append / indicator to directories"
msgstr "accoler un indicateur (parmi /=@|) aux entrées"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:130
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-q>, B<--hide-control-chars>"
msgstr "B<-q>, B<--hide-control-chars>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "print ? instead of non graphic characters"
msgstr "afficher ? au lieu de caractères non-graphiques"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:133
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--show-control-chars>"
msgstr "B<--show-control-chars>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:137
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"show non graphic characters as-is (default unless program is `ls' and output "
"is a terminal)"
msgstr "afficher les caractères non graphiques tel quel (par défaut)"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:137
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-Q>, B<--quote-name>"
msgstr "B<-Q>, B<--quote-name>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "enclose entry names in double quotes"
msgstr "encapsuler chaque nom d'entrée entre guillemets"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:140
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--quoting-style>=I<WORD>"
msgstr "B<--quoting-style>=I<MOT>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:144
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"use quoting style WORD for entry names: literal, locale, shell, shell-"
"always, c, escape"
msgstr ""
"utiliser le style d'encapsultation selon le MOT clé suivant: literal, shell, "
"shell-always, c, escape"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:144
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-r>, B<--reverse>"
msgstr "B<-r>, B<--reverse>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "reverse order while sorting"
msgstr "afficher en ordre inverse lors du tri"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:147
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-R>, B<--recursive>"
msgstr "B<-R>, B<--recursive>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "list subdirectories recursively"
msgstr "afficher les sous-répertoires récursivement"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:150
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-s>, B<--size>"
msgstr "B<-s>, B<--size>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "with B<-l>, print size of each file, in blocks"
msgstr "avec B<-l>, afficher la taille de chaque fichier en blocs"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:153
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-S>"
msgstr "B<-S>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:156
#, fuzzy
msgid "sort by file size"
msgstr "trier selon la taille des fichiers"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:156
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--sort>=I<WORD>"
msgstr "B<--sort>=I<MODE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:161
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"extension B<-X>, none B<-U>, size B<-S>, time B<-t>, version B<-v>, status "
"B<-c>, time B<-t>, atime B<-u>, access B<-u>, use B<-u>"
msgstr ""
"trier selon le MODE suivant: extension B<-X>, aucun B<-U>, taille B<-S>, "
"date B<-t>, version B<-v>, état B<-c>, date B<-t>, date d'accès B<-u>, "
"access B<-u>, usage B<-u>"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:161
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--time>=I<WORD>"
msgstr "B<--time>=I<MODE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:166
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"with B<-l>, show time as WORD instead of modification time: atime, access, "
"use, ctime or status; use specified time as sort key if B<--sort>=I<time>"
msgstr ""
"avec B<-l>, afficher la date selon le MODE au lieu de la date de "
"modification: atime, access, use, ctime ou status tel que spécifié dans la "
"clé de trie B<--sort>=I<date>"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:166
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--time-style>=I<STYLE>"
msgstr "B<--time-style>=I<STYLE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:175
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"with B<-l>, show times using style STYLE: full-iso, long-iso, iso, locale, "
"+FORMAT.  FORMAT is interpreted like `date'; if FORMAT is "
"FORMAT1E<lt>newlineE<gt>FORMAT2, FORMAT1 applies to non-recent files and "
"FORMAT2 to recent files; if STYLE is prefixed with `posix-', STYLE takes "
"effect only outside the POSIX locale"
msgstr ""
"avec B<-l>, afficher les dates selon le STYLE désiré: full-iso, long-iso, "
"iso, locale, +FORMAT FORMAT est interprété comme « date »; si FORMAT est "
"FORMAT1E<lt>retour de chariotE<gt>FORMAT2, FORMAT1 s'applique aux fichiers "
"non récents et FORMAT2 aux fichiers récents; si le STYLE est préfixé par « "
"posix- », STYLE prend effet seulement en dehors de la locale POSIX"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:175
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-t>"
msgstr "B<-t>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:178
#, fuzzy
msgid "sort by modification time"
msgstr "trier selon la date de modification:"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:178
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-T>, B<--tabsize>=I<COLS>"
msgstr "B<-T>, B<--tabsize>=I<TAILLE>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:181
#, fuzzy
msgid "assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8"
msgstr ""
"utiliser la tabulation selon la TAILLE pour chaque colonne au lieu de 8"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:181
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-u>"
msgstr "B<-u>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:186
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"with B<-lt>: sort by, and show, access time with B<-l>: show access time and "
"sort by name otherwise: sort by access time"
msgstr ""
"avec B<-lt>: trier selon la date du dernier accès; avec B<-l>: afficher la "
"date d'accès et trier par nom"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:186
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-U>"
msgstr "B<-U>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "do not sort; list entries in directory order"
msgstr ""
"ne pas trier: afficher selon l'ordre original des entrées d'un répertoire"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:189
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-v>"
msgstr "B<-v>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:192
#, fuzzy
msgid "sort by version"
msgstr "trier par version"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:192
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-w>, B<--width>=I<COLS>"
msgstr "B<-w>, B<--width>=I<COLS>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "assume screen width instead of current value"
msgstr "fixer la largeur de l'écran au lieu de la valeur courante"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:195
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-x>"
msgstr "B<-x>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:198
#, fuzzy
msgid "list entries by lines instead of by columns"
msgstr "lister les entrées par ligne au lieu de par colonne"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:198
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-X>"
msgstr "B<-X>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "sort alphabetically by entry extension"
msgstr "trier alphabétiquement par extension d'entrée"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:201
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-1>"
msgstr "B<-1>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:204
#, fuzzy
msgid "list one file per line"
msgstr "lister un fichier par ligne"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:206
#, fuzzy
msgid "SELINUX options:"
msgstr "SELINUX options:"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:206
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--lcontext>"
msgstr "B<--lcontext>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:210
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display security context.  Enable B<-l>. Lines will probably be too wide for "
"most displays."
msgstr ""
"Display security context.  Enable B<-l>. Lines will probably be too wide for "
"most displays."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:210
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<-Z>, B<--context>"
msgstr "B<-Z>, B<--context>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:215
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Display security context so it fits on most displays.  Displays only mode, "
"user, group, security context and file name."
msgstr ""
"Display security context so it fits on most displays.  Displays only mode, "
"user, group, security context and file name."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:215
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid "B<--scontext>"
msgstr "B<--scontext>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display only security context and file name."
msgstr "Display only security context and file name."

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:218
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--help>"
msgstr "B<--help>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:221
msgid "display this help and exit"
msgstr "afficher l'aide-mémoire et quitter"

# type: TP
#: english/dir.1:221
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--version>"
msgstr "B<--version>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:224
msgid "output version information and exit"
msgstr "afficher le nom et la version du logiciel et quitter"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:227
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"SIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following: "
"kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024, and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y."
msgstr ""
"TAILLE peut être (ou peut être un entier optionnellement suivi par) un de "
"ceux qui suivent: kB 1000, K 1024, MB 1000*1000, M 1024*1024 et ainsi de "
"suite pour G, T, P, E, Z, Y."

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:234
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files.  That is "
"equivalent to using B<--color>=I<none>.  Using the B<--color> option without "
"the optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using B<--color>=I<always>.  "
"With B<--color>=I<auto>, color codes are output only if standard output is "
"connected to a terminal (tty).  The environment variable LS_COLORS can "
"influence the colors, and can be set easily by the dircolors command."
msgstr ""
"Par défaut, la couleur n'est pas utilisée pour distinguer les différents "
"types de fichiers. Cela est équivalent à l'utilisation de l'option B<--"
"color>=I<none>.  L'utilisation de l'option B<--color> sans l'argument WHEN "
"est équivalent à l'utilisation de B<--colors>=I<always>.  Avec l'option B<--"
"color>=I<auto>, les codes de couleur sont transmis vers la sortie standard "
"si celle-ci est reliée à un terminal (tty)."

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if minor problems, 2 if serious trouble."
msgstr ""
"État de fin d'exécution est 0 si OK, 1 si un problème mineur est survenu, 2 "
"si un trouble sérieux est survenu."

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:236
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr "AUTEUR"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Written by Richard Stallman and David MacKenzie."
msgstr "Écrit par Richard Stallman et David MacKenzie."

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:238
#, no-wrap

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:240
msgid "Report bugs to E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>."
msgstr "Signaler toute anomalie à E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>."

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:240
#, no-wrap
msgstr "COPYRIGHT"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:242
msgid "Copyright \\(co 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc."
msgstr "Copyright \\(co 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc."

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:246
msgid ""
"This is free software.  You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of "
"the GNU General Public License E<lt>";
"htmlE<gt>.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
msgstr ""
"Ce programme est un logiciel libre. Vous pouvez redistribuer des copies "
"selon les termes de la GNU General Public License E<lt>";
"licenses/gpl.htmlE<gt>. Il n'y a AUCUNE GARANTIE dans la mesure autorisée "
"par la loi."

# type: SH
#: english/dir.1:246
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:254
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"The full documentation for B<dir> is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the "
"B<info> and B<dir> programs are properly installed at your site, the command"
msgstr ""
"La documentation complète pour B<dir> est mise à jour dans un manuel Texinfo "
"(en anglais).  Si les programmes B<info> et B<dir> sont correctement "
"installés sur votre système, la commande"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "B<info dir>"
msgstr "B<info dir>"

# type: Plain text
#: english/dir.1:257
msgid "should give you access to the complete manual."
msgstr "devrait vous donner accès au manuel complet (en anglais)."

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Description: Digital signature

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