FREEWARE: AS400 Library Catalog Software (source included.) As thanks 
for visiting our web site at, we would like you to have our “CAT” Freeware package. 

        You can use “CAT” to gather information about the files in a library 
and print reports;
 by Date Last Used,
 by File Size,
 by File Name. 

        We have included the source code with CAT. We used RapidFire400 to 
automatically generate the 
programs for the reports.

How would you like to cut your applications development time in half?
What if your programmers could produce RPG ILE code for reports and file 
manipulations in a tenth of the time 
it now takes them? Our program generator is easy to learn and run. If you know 
AS400 query, there is almost no 
learning curve! Rapidfire400 takes AS400 Query definitions and creates source 
programs ready for testing!

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