
nouvelles fonctions :

- $sendnew : si cette variable vaut « yes », alors la version corrigée
  de la description est envoyée en attachement, sinon seul le fichier «
  diff » est joint ;
- $comment : cette variable contient le début d'une ligne de
  commentaire, elle est modifiable. Les anciens commentaires ne sont
  plus supportés.

en attachement :
- le script ;
- une description bidon ;
- la correction qui va avec ;
- le courriel envoyé par le script.

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;

### Config part
# where to put all the files
# Things you MUST change

my $home="/home/nico/Mail/rel/ddts/";
my $mail_from='Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>';
my $mail_begin="Bonjour,\n\n"
  ."Tu trouvera en attachement une version corrigée par mes soins de la 
description de ce paquet,\n"
  ."ainsi qu'un diff entre la version que tu as soumise et ma version. Si tu es 
d'accord avec les\n"
  ."corrections, merci de renvoyer la version corrigée au ddts. Dans le cas 
contraire, n'hesite pas\n"
  ."a me recontacter.\n";
my $mail_end="\na+\n\nNicolas\n";

# Things you can change
my $debug=0;                     # level of verbosity 0..2

my $comment=">> ";               # comment string
my $linenumber="ligne %d :";     # new comment line
my $sendnew="yes";               # if set to "yes", send the new description, 
not only the diff file
my $selfsend="yes";              # if set to "yes", you will be sent a copy of 
outgoing mails
my $mail_title="[relecture] %s"; # must contain %s
my $mail_enc="8bits";
my $mail_charset="iso-8859-1";

my $todoext="todo";         # extention of files waiting for a review  (*)
my $revext="relu";          # extention of files you already reviewed
my $newmailext="newmail";   # extention of newly created mail files    (*)
my $mailext="mail";         # extention of ready to be sent mail files
my $sentmailext="mailSent"; # extention of mails sent                  (*)

# files in category marked with (*) are automatically generated.
# Don't edit them, change there name before it.

### End of the config part
=head1 NAME

ddts-rev - a tool to ease the work of reviewer of ddts

ddts-rev [parse|mail|clean]

This program helps the reviewer of package description translation with the 
Here is the basical review process if you use this tool:
=over 4
=item o You get a daily report from the ddts, containing changed translations.
Pass this mail to the standard input of this script, providing the I<parse> 
It will create two files called I<pkg-name> and I<pkg-name.todo> for each 
in the mail. The first one is the unchanged translation, for internal use.
The second is a template to ease your review.
=item o You do your review
For that, rename I<pkg-name.todo> to I<pkg-name.relu>. Then, change the 
found there, and add any comments you want in line starting with:
'>> '

=item o You're done with the review and want to send your work to translators 
Call the script with the I<mail> option. It will make a diff of your version 
the translators one. If the two versions are equal, nothing will be done. Else,
the script will send a mail in mime format with three parts:

=over 4

=item - the comments you've put between the COMMENTS lines
=item - the version resulting of your review
Just in case the translator lost it's original work

=item - the diff between your version and the translator one.
Then, the script will show you the resulting mail, and prompt you if you want 
send it or not. Be carfull with sending mails. Please make sure you are really 
done with the review before.
Lastly, the script will save the sent mail to I<pkg-name.mailSent> to make sure 
the mail won't be sent several times if you run the script several times.

=item o clean your workspace
Calling the script with the I<clean> option removes all temp files like *~ ones,
or the ones created internally. If I<pkg-name.todo> and I<pkg-name.relu> both 
exists, the script will remove the first. So, be carfull when using this 

my $version="0.8";

if (! -d $home) {
    mkdir $home || die "Can't create $home. Is the script configured?\n";

sub parse_report {
    my $package;        # package name
    my $translator;     # translator address
    my $desc;           # english description
    my $trans;          # translated description
    my $lang;           # language translated into
    my $reportid;       # ddts report mail Id
    # Read the mail header
    # Get the 'Message-Id:' field so we can use 'In-Reply-To:' when sending 
    while (<>) {
        last if (m,^$,);
        if (m,^Message-Id: ,) {
            chomp($reportid = substr($_, 12));
            $debug && print "Message-Id: $reportid\n";
    # Read all packages
    while (<>) {
        # Read the translator name
        $debug && print "Translator: $translator\n";
        last if $translator eq "";
        # Read the package name
        $_=<>; chomp;
        $debug && print "Package: $package\n";
        # Read the english description
        if (m,^Description: (.*)$,) {
            while (<>) {
                if (m,^ ,) {
                    $desc .= $_;
                } else {
        $debug>1 && print "Description: $desc\n";

        # Read the translated description
        if (m,^Description-(..)(_..)?: (.*)$,) {
            while (<>) {
                if (m,^ ,) {
                    $trans .= $_;
                } else {
        if (m,^$,) {
            # Search for package name if not provided by ddts
            if ($package eq "") {
                my $shortdesc=$desc;
                $shortdesc =~ s/\n.*//mg;
                $debug && print "short descritpion: $shortdesc\n";
                open APT, "apt-cache search '$shortdesc'|";
                $package = <APT>;
                $package =~ s/^([^ ]*) .*$/$1/;
                if ($package eq "") {
                    print "I guess '$shortdesc' referes to '$package'\n";
                } else {
                    print "I can't guess '$shortdesc', output file named 
            if ($package eq "" ||
                $translator eq "" ||
                $desc eq "" ||
                $trans eq "" ||
                $lang eq "") {
                    die "Parse error: empty line before the package is well 
                      ."Are you sure I'm parsing a repport from the ddts ?\n"
            if (-e "$home/$package.$todoext") {
                warn "$home/$package.$todoext overwritten...\n"; 

            # Outputs the package
            open PKG, ">$home/$package" 
              || die "Can't open $home/$package\n";
            open TODO, ">$home/$package.$todoext" 
              || die "Can't open $home/$package.$todoext\n";
            my $str = "Translator: $translator\n";
            $str .= "ddts Id: $reportid\n";
            $str .= "Description:$desc";
            $str .= "Description-$lang:$trans";
            $debug>1 && print "$str\n";
            print PKG "$str\n";
            print TODO "$str\n";
            close PKG || die "Can't write '$home/$package': $!\n";
            close TODO || die "Can't write '$home/$package.$todoext': $!\n";
            # Remove the mailSent
            if (-e "$home/$package.$sentmailext") {
                print "removing $package.$sentmailext";
                unlink "$home/$package.$sentmailext";
            # Move revext to revext.old
            if (-e "$home/$package.$sentmailext") {
                print "Moving $package.$revext -> $package.$revext.old";
                system ("mv $package.$revext $package.$revext.old");
            # clears the variables
            $package=$translator=$desc=$trans=$lang = "";
        # stop when encountering the signature
        last if m,^--$,;
        last if m,^-- $,;

sub make_mails {
    my $boundary;
    my $BCount=0;
    die "Cannot read the content of $home: $! \n"
      unless opendir (PKGLIST,$home);
    chdir $home || die "Can't chdir to $home: $!\n";
    foreach (readdir(PKGLIST)) {
        next if /\.$todoext$/;
        next if /\.$revext$/;
        next if /\.diff$/;
        next if /\.$newmailext$/;
        next if /\.$mailext$/;
        next if /\.$sentmailext$/;
        my $pkg = $_;
        if (-e "$pkg.$revext" && -e "$pkg") {
            if (-e "$pkg.$sentmailext") {
                print "$pkg.$sentmailext exists. I won't send the same mail 
            # get translator name
            open PKG, "$pkg" || die "Can't read $pkg\n";
            open PKGTMP, ">$pkg.tmp";
            chomp(my $translator=<PKG>); $translator =~ s/Translator: //;
            chomp(my $reportid=<PKG>); $reportid =~ s/ddts Id: //;
            while (<PKG>) {
                print PKGTMP $_;
            close PKGTMP;
            close PKG;
            # build the mail
            my $mail = "From: $mail_from\n";
            if ($debug) {
                $mail .= "To: $mail_from\n";
            } else {
                $mail .= "To: $translator\n";
            if ($selfsend eq "yes") {
                $mail .= "Cc: $mail_from\n";
            $mail .= "Subject: ";
            $mail .= sprintf $mail_title,$pkg;
            $mail .= "\nIn-Reply-To: $reportid\n";
            $mail .= "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"
                  ."Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: inline\n"
                  ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: $mail_enc\n"
                  ."User-Agent: ddts review helper\n\n\n"
                  ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$mail_charset\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: inline\n"
                  ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: $mail_enc\n\n"
            open REV, "$pkg.$revext";
            # Prepare the diff and add the new version to the mail
            open TMP,">$";
            my $linecount=0;
            my $lastline=0;
            while (<REV>) {
                if (substr($_, 0, length($comment)) eq $comment) {
                    if ($linecount!=$lastline) {
                        $mail .= "\n".sprintf($linenumber, $linecount)."\n";
                    $mail .= substr($_, length($comment));
                } else {
                    print TMP $_;
            close REV;
            close TMP;
            $mail .= $mail_end;

            if ($sendnew eq "yes") {
                $mail .= "\n\n"
                  ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$mail_charset\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$\"\n\n";
                open TMP, "$";
                while (<TMP>) {
                    $mail .= "$_";
                close TMP;
            $mail .= "\n\n"
              ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$mail_charset\n"
              ."Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$pkg.diff\"\n\n";
            if (!system "diff -u $pkg.tmp $ > $pkg.diff") {
                # empty diff
                unlink "$pkg.diff";
                unlink "$";
            } else {
                # puts the diff
                open DIFF, "$pkg.diff";
                while (<DIFF>) {
                    $mail .= "$_";
                close DIFF;
                # Ends the mime stuff
                $mail .= "--$boundary--\n\n";

                print "Here is the mail:\n$mail\nDo you want to send it [y/N] 
                if (m/^[yY]/) {
                    open SENT, ">$pkg.$sentmailext";
                    print SENT $mail;
                    close SENT 
                      || die "Can't save the mail to $pkg.$sentmailext: $!\n";
                    open SENDMAIL,"| /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem";
                    print SENDMAIL $mail;
                    close SENDMAIL 
                      || die "Can't run sendmail: $!\n";
                    print "Mail sent\n";
                } else {
                    print "As you want. Nothing sent\n";
            unlink "$" unless $debug>1;
            unlink "$pkg.diff" unless $debug>1;

sub clean { 
    die "Cannot read the content of $home: $! \n"
      unless opendir (PKGLIST,$home);
    foreach (readdir(PKGLIST)) {
        if (/~$/ ||
            /\.new$/ ||
            /\.diff$/) {
                print "Remove $_\n";
                unlink "$home/$_";
        if (! /\./) {
            my $pkg = $_;
            if (-e "$home/$pkg.$revext" && -e "$home/$pkg.$todoext") {
                print "Remove $pkg.$todoext\n";
                unlink "$home/$pkg.$todoext";

my $cmd=shift;
if ($cmd eq "parse") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "mail") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "clean") {
} else {
    my $me=$0;
    die "Usage $me [parse|mail|clean]\n"
      ."  parse: read a ddts from the standard input and change the files in 
      ."  mail:  create the pkg.newmail files which you should edit and send\n"
      ."  clean: remove : \n"
      ."           - *~\n"
      ."           - the $todoext when a $revext exists\n"
      ."           - all tmp files (.diff, .new)\n"
      ."\n$me version $version\n";

=head1 AUTHORS

until version 0.7:  Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
present maintainer: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Translator: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ddts-Id: 0
Description: A short description of this package
 The very long discription is here.
 As you can see, this is not really interesting.
Description-fr: Une description courte de ce package
 La description longue est ici.
 Comme vous pouvez le voir, elle n'ets pas vraiment intéressante

Translator: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ddts-Id: 0
Description: A short description of this package
 The very long discription is here.
 As you can see, this is not really interesting.
Description-fr: Description courte de ce paquet
>> pas d'article indéfini au début de la description courte, cf. courriel de
>>   Denis sur la liste
>> paquet : en français
 La description longue est ici.
 Comme vous pouvez le voir, elle n'est pas vraiment intéressante.
>> est           : disclavie aigue
>> intéressante. : point en fin de phrase

From: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Nicolas Bertolissio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [relecture] test
In-Reply-To: ddts-Id: 0
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------=_1000554696-1833-0"
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits
User-Agent: ddts review helper

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits


Tu trouvera en attachement une version corrigée par mes soins de la description 
de ce paquet,
ainsi qu'un diff entre la version que tu as soumise et ma version. Si tu es 
d'accord avec les
corrections, merci de renvoyer la version corrigée au ddts. Dans le cas 
contraire, n'hesite pas
a me recontacter.

ligne 4 :
pas d'article indéfini au début de la description courte, cf. courriel de
  Denis sur la liste
paquet : en français

ligne 6 :
est           : disclavie aigue
intéressante. : point en fin de phrase



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""

Description: A short description of this package
 The very long discription is here.
 As you can see, this is not really interesting.
Description-fr: Description courte de ce paquet
 La description longue est ici.
 Comme vous pouvez le voir, elle n'est pas vraiment intéressante.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.diff"

--- test.tmp    Sat Sep 15 13:51:36 2001
+++    Sat Sep 15 13:51:36 2001
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Description: A short description of this package
  The very long discription is here.
  As you can see, this is not really interesting.
-Description-fr: Une description courte de ce package
+Description-fr: Description courte de ce paquet
  La description longue est ici.
- Comme vous pouvez le voir, elle n'ets pas vraiment intéressante
+ Comme vous pouvez le voir, elle n'est pas vraiment intéressante.

Répondre à