
You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for
grub2. The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug
against grub2.

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
Sun, 14 May 2023 23:36:50 +0100.

Thanks in advance,

# Danish translation grub2.
# Copyright (C) 2017 grub2 & nedenstående oversættere.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the grub2 package.
# Joe Hansen <joedalt...@yahoo.dk>, 2010, 2011, 2015.
# Korrekturlæst Kenneth Nielsen, Keld Jørn Simonsen, Torben Grøn Helligsø.
# Chain loading -> Chain loading is a method used by computer programs 
# to replace the currently executing program with a new program, 
# using a common data area (a so-called core common area) to pass 
# information from the current program to the new program. It occurs 
# in several areas of computing. Et dansk navn?
#  man kunne måske med nogen rimelighed kalde det for kædeindlæsning, men
#  egentlig er det her jo et af de ord som jeg ikke mener at behøver at
#  oversætte. Dem der har brug for at vide hvad det er, kender kun det
#  engelsk ord og det danske vil måske endda forvirre mere end det vil
#  gøre gavn. I hvert fald, hvis du vil oversætte vil jeg anbefale at
#  sætte chainloade i parentes der hvor du kan. Beholdt uoversat.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: grub2\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gr...@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-04-23 20:27+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-23 11:30+01:00\n"
"Last-Translator: Joe Hansen <joedalt...@yahoo.dk>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <debian-l10n-danish@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: da\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:2001
msgid "Chainload from menu.lst?"
msgstr "Chainload fra menu.lst?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:2001
msgid "GRUB upgrade scripts have detected a GRUB Legacy setup in /boot/grub."
msgstr ""
"Opgraderingsskripterne til GRUB har fundet en GRUB Legacy-opsætning i /boot/"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:2001
msgid ""
"In order to replace the Legacy version of GRUB in your system, it is "
"recommended that /boot/grub/menu.lst is adjusted to load a GRUB 2 boot image "
"from your existing GRUB Legacy setup. This step can be automatically "
"performed now."
msgstr ""
"For at erstatte GRUB-versionen Legacy på dit system, anbefales det at /boot/"
"grub/menu.lst justeres til at indlæse GRUB 2's opstartsaftryk fra din "
"eksisterende GRUB Legacy-opsætning. Dette trin kan udføres automatisk nu."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:2001
msgid ""
"It's recommended that you accept chainloading GRUB 2 from menu.lst, and "
"verify that the new GRUB 2 setup works before it is written to the MBR "
"(Master Boot Record)."
msgstr ""
"Det anbefales, at du accepterer at chainloade GRUB 2 fra menu.lst, og "
"verificerer at din nye GRUB 2-opsætning virker for dig, før du installerer "
"den direkte til din MBR (Master Boot Record)."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:2001
msgid ""
"Whatever your decision, you can replace the old MBR image with GRUB 2 later "
"by issuing the following command as root:"
msgstr ""
"Uanset din beslutning kan du senere erstatte dit gamle MBR-aftryk med GRUB 2 "
"ved at foretage den følgende kommando som administrator (root):"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:3001 ../grub-pc.templates.in:4001
msgid "GRUB install devices:"
msgstr "GRUBs installationsenheder:"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:3001
msgid ""
"The grub-pc package is being upgraded. This menu allows you to select which "
"devices you'd like grub-install to be automatically run for, if any."
msgstr ""
"Pakken grub-pc bliver opgraderet. Denne menu tillader dig at vælge, hvilke "
"enheder om nogen, du vil have at grub-install automatisk skal køres for."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:3001
msgid ""
"Running grub-install automatically is recommended in most situations, to "
"prevent the installed GRUB core image from getting out of sync with GRUB "
"modules or grub.cfg."
msgstr ""
"Automatisk kørsel af grub-install anbefales i de fleste situationer, for at "
"forhindre at det installerede GRUB-kerneaftryk kommer ud af synkronisering "
"med GRUB-moduler eller grub.cfg."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:3001 ../grub-pc.templates.in:4001
msgid ""
"If you're unsure which drive is designated as boot drive by your BIOS, it is "
"often a good idea to install GRUB to all of them."
msgstr ""
"Hvis du er usikker på hvilket drev, der er bestemt som opstartsdrev af din "
"BIOS, er det ofte en god ide at installere GRUB på dem alle."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:3001 ../grub-pc.templates.in:4001
msgid ""
"Note: it is possible to install GRUB to partition boot records as well, and "
"some appropriate partitions are offered here. However, this forces GRUB to "
"use the blocklist mechanism, which makes it less reliable, and therefore is "
"not recommended."
msgstr ""
"Bemærk: Det er også muligt at installere GRUB til partitioners "
"opstartspunkter, og nogle egnede partitioner tilbydes her. Dette tvinger dog "
"GRUB til at bruge blokeringslistemekanismen, som gør den mindre pålidelig, "
"og dette anbefales derfor ikke."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:4001
msgid ""
"The GRUB boot loader was previously installed to a disk that is no longer "
"present, or whose unique identifier has changed for some reason. It is "
"important to make sure that the installed GRUB core image stays in sync with "
"GRUB modules and grub.cfg. Please check again to make sure that GRUB is "
"written to the appropriate boot devices."
msgstr ""
"GRUB-opstartsindlæseren blev tidligere installeret til en disk, som ikke "
"længere er tilgængelig, eller hvis unikke identifikation er blevet ændret. "
"Det er vigtigt at sikre sig, at det installerede GRUB-kerneaftryk forbliver "
"i synkronisering med GRUB-moduler og grub-cfg. Kontroller venligst en ekstra "
"gang så du er sikker på, at GRUB skrives til de relevante opstartsenheder."

#. Type: text
#. Description
#. Disk sizes are in decimal megabytes, to match how disk manufacturers
#. usually describe them.
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:5001
msgid "${DEVICE} (${SIZE} MB; ${MODEL})"
msgstr "${DEVICE} (${SIZE} MB; ${MODEL})"

#. Type: text
#. Description
#. The "-" is used to indicate indentation. Leading spaces may not work.
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:6001
msgid "- ${DEVICE} (${SIZE} MB; ${PATH})"
msgstr "- ${DEVICE} (${SIZE} MB; ${PATH})"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:7001
msgid "Writing GRUB to boot device failed - continue?"
msgstr "Skrivning af GRUB til opstartsenhed fejlede - vil du fortsætte?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:7001 ../grub-pc.templates.in:8001
msgid "GRUB failed to install to the following devices:"
msgstr "Kunne ikke installere GRUB på de følgende enheder:"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:7001
msgid ""
"Do you want to continue anyway? If you do, your computer may not start up "
msgstr ""
"Ønsker du at fortsætte alligevel? Hvis du fortsætter, kan din computer måske "
"ikke starte korrekt op."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:8001
msgid "Writing GRUB to boot device failed - try again?"
msgstr "Skrivning af GRUB til opstartsenhed fejlede - forsøg igen?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:8001
msgid ""
"You may be able to install GRUB to some other device, although you should "
"check that your system will boot from that device. Otherwise, the upgrade "
"from GRUB Legacy will be canceled."
msgstr ""
"Du kan måske installere GRUB til en anden enhed, selvom du skal tjekke at "
"dit system kan/vil opstarte fra denne enhed. Ellers vil opgraderingen fra "
"GRUB Legacy blive afbrudt."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:9001
msgid "Continue without installing GRUB?"
msgstr "Fortsæt uden at installere GRUB?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:9001
msgid ""
"You chose not to install GRUB to any devices. If you continue, the boot "
"loader may not be properly configured, and when this computer next starts up "
"it will use whatever was previously in the boot sector. If there is an "
"earlier version of GRUB 2 in the boot sector, it may be unable to load "
"modules or handle the current configuration file."
msgstr ""
"Du har valgt ikke at installere GRUB på nogen enhed. Hvis du fortsætter, vil "
"opstarteren (boot loader) måske ikke være korrekt konfigureret, og når din "
"computer starter op næste gang, vil den bruge det tidligere indhold i din "
"opstartssektor (boot sector). Hvis der er en tidligere version af GRUB 2 i "
"opstartsektoren, vil den måske ikke være i stand til at indlæse moduler "
"eller håndtere den aktuelle konfigurationsfil."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:9001
msgid ""
"If you are already using a different boot loader and want to carry on doing "
"so, or if this is a special environment where you do not need a boot loader, "
"then you should continue anyway. Otherwise, you should install GRUB "
msgstr ""
"Hvis du allerede kører en anden opstarter (boot loader) og ønsker at "
"fortsætte sådan, eller hvis dette er et specielt miljø, hvor du ikke har "
"brug for en opstarter, så skal du fortsætte alligevel. Ellers skal du "
"installere GRUB et eller andet sted."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:10001
msgid "Remove GRUB 2 from /boot/grub?"
msgstr "Fjern GRUB 2 fra /boot/grub?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:10001
msgid "Do you want to have all GRUB 2 files removed from /boot/grub?"
msgstr "Ønsker du at alle GRUB 2-filer skal fjernes fra /boot/grub?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:10001
msgid ""
"This will make the system unbootable unless another boot loader is installed."
msgstr ""
"Dette vil medføre, at systemet ikke kan opstartes med mindre en anden "
"opstarter (boot loader) er installeret."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:11001
msgid "Finish conversion to GRUB 2 now?"
msgstr "Afslut konvertering til GRUB 2 nu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:11001
msgid ""
"This system still has files from the GRUB Legacy boot loader installed, but "
"it now also has GRUB 2 boot records installed on these disks:"
msgstr ""
"Dette system har stadig filer fra GRUB Legacy-opstarteren installeret, men "
"systemet har nu også GRUB 2 opstartsposter installeret på disse diske:"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:11001
msgid ""
"It seems likely that GRUB Legacy is no longer in use, and that you should "
"instead upgrade the GRUB 2 images on these disks and finish the conversion "
"to GRUB 2 by removing old GRUB Legacy files. If you do not upgrade these "
"GRUB 2 images, then they may be incompatible with the new packages and cause "
"your system to stop booting properly."
msgstr ""
"Det virker sandsynligt at GRUB Legacy ikke længere er i brug, og at du i "
"steden fir skal opgradere GRUB 2-billederne på disse diske og afslutte "
"konverteringen til GRUB 2 ved af fjerne ældre GRUB Legacy-filer. Hvis du "
"ikke opgraderer disse GRUB 2-billeder, så er de måske ikke kompatible med de "
"nye pakker og får dit system til at holde op med at starte korrekt op."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../grub-pc.templates.in:11001
msgid ""
"You should generally finish the conversion to GRUB 2 unless these boot "
"records were created by a GRUB 2 installation on some other operating system."
msgstr ""
"Du bør generelt afslutte konverteringen til GRUB 2 medmindre disse "
"opstartsposter blev oprettet af en GRUB 2-installation på et andet "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:1001
msgid "Linux command line:"
msgstr "Kommandolinje til Linux:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:1001
msgid ""
"The following Linux command line was extracted from /etc/default/grub or the "
"`kopt' parameter in GRUB Legacy's menu.lst. Please verify that it is "
"correct, and modify it if necessary. The command line is allowed to be empty."
msgstr ""
"Den følgende kommandolinje i Linux blev udtrukket fra /etc/default/grub "
"eller parameteren `kopt' i GRUB Legacys menu.lst. Verificer venligst at den "
"er korrekt, og ændre den om nødvendigt. Kommandolinjen må være tom."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:2001
msgid "Linux default command line:"
msgstr "Standardkommandolinje i Linux:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:2001
msgid ""
"The following string will be used as Linux parameters for the default menu "
"entry but not for the recovery mode."
msgstr ""
"Den følgende streng vil blive brugt som Linuxparametre for "
"standardmenupunktet men ikke for gendannelsestilstanden."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:3001
msgid "Force extra installation to the EFI removable media path?"
msgstr "Fremtving ekstra installation til den flytbare mediesti for EFI?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:3001
msgid ""
"Some EFI-based systems are buggy and do not handle new bootloaders "
"correctly. If you force an extra installation of GRUB to the EFI removable "
"media path, this should ensure that this system will boot Debian correctly "
"despite such a problem. However, it may remove the ability to boot any other "
"operating systems that also depend on this path. If so, you will need to "
"make sure that GRUB is configured successfully to be able to boot any other "
"OS installations correctly."
msgstr ""
"Nogle EFI-baserede systemer er fejlramte og håndterer ikke nye "
"opstartsindlæsere korrekt. Hvis du fremtvinger en ekstra installation af "
"GRUB til den flytbare mediesti for EFI, bør dette sikre, at systemet vil "
"starte Debian korrekt op på trods af et sådant problem. Det kan dog fjerne "
"muligheden for at starte et andet operativsystem op, som også afhænger af "
"denne sti. Hvis dette er tilfældet, så skal du sikre dig, at GRUB er "
"konfigureret succesfuldt for at kunne starte andre operativsystemer op "

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:4001
msgid "Update NVRAM variables to automatically boot into Debian?"
msgstr "Opdater NVRAM-variabler til automatisk at starte i Debian?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:4001
msgid ""
"GRUB can configure your platform's NVRAM variables so that it boots into "
"Debian automatically when powered on. However, you may prefer to disable "
"this behavior and avoid changes to your boot configuration. For example, if "
"your NVRAM variables have been set up such that your system contacts a PXE "
"server on every boot, this would preserve that behavior."
msgstr ""
"GRUB kan konfigurere din platforms NVRAM-variabler, så de starter i Debian "
"automatisk når tændt. Du kan dog foretrække at deaktivere denne opførsel og "
"undgå ændringer til din opstartskonfiguration. For eksempel hvis dine NVRAM-"
"variabler er blevet sat sådan op, at dit system kontakter en PXE-server ved "
"hver opstart, vil dette bevare denne opførsel."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:5001
msgid "Run os-prober automatically to detect and boot other OSes?"
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:5001
msgid ""
"GRUB can use the os-prober tool to attempt to detect other operating systems "
"on your computer and add them to its list of boot options automatically."
msgstr ""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:5001
msgid ""
"If your computer has multiple operating systems installed, then this is "
"probably what you want. However, if your computer is a host for guest OSes "
"installed via LVM or raw disk devices, running os-prober can cause damage to "
"those guest OSes as it mounts filesystems to look for things."
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:6001
msgid "kFreeBSD command line:"
msgstr "Kommandolinje for kFreeBSD:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:6001
msgid ""
"The following kFreeBSD command line was extracted from /etc/default/grub or "
"the `kopt' parameter in GRUB Legacy's menu.lst. Please verify that it is "
"correct, and modify it if necessary. The command line is allowed to be empty."
msgstr ""
"Den følgende kommandolinje i kFreeBSD blev udtrukket fra /etc/default/grub "
"eller fra parameteren `kopt' i GRUB Legacys menu.lst. Verificer venligst at "
"den er korrekt, og ændre den om nødvendigt. Kommandolinjen må være tom."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:7001
msgid "kFreeBSD default command line:"
msgstr "Standardkommandolinje i kFreeBSD:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates.in:7001
msgid ""
"The following string will be used as kFreeBSD parameters for the default "
"menu entry but not for the recovery mode."
msgstr ""
"Den følgende streng vil blive brugt som kFreeBSD-parametre for "
"standardmenupunktet men ikke for gendannelsestilstanden."

#~ msgid "/boot/grub/device.map has been regenerated"
#~ msgstr "/boot/grub/device.map er blevet gendannet"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The file /boot/grub/device.map has been rewritten to use stable device "
#~ "names. In most cases, this should significantly reduce the need to change "
#~ "it in future, and boot menu entries generated by GRUB should not be "
#~ "affected."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Filen /boot/grub/device.map er blevet genskrevet til at bruge stabile "
#~ "enhedsnavne. I de fleste tilfælde vil dette markant reducere behovet for "
#~ "at ændre filen fremover, og opstartsmenupunkter oprettet af GRUB vil ikke "
#~ "blive påvirket."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "However, since more than one disk is present in the system, it is "
#~ "possible that the system is depending on the old device map. Please check "
#~ "whether there are any custom boot menu entries that rely on GRUB's (hdN) "
#~ "drive numbering, and update them if necessary."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Da du har mere end en disk i dit sytem, er det dog muligt, at du har en "
#~ "afhængighed af det gamle enhedskort. Tjek venligst om der er nogle "
#~ "tilpassede opstartsmenupunkter som afhænger af GRUB's (hdn) "
#~ "drevnummerering, og opdater dem om nødvendigt."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "If you do not understand this message, or if there are no custom boot "
#~ "menu entries, you can ignore this message."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Hvis du ikke forstår denne besked, eller der ikke er nogen tilpassede "
#~ "opstartsmenupunkter, kan du ignorere denne besked."

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