Hi Joe, You are known as the long standing translator and also the last translator of the Debian Edu manual into Danish. The package debian-edu-doc is a vital part of The Debian Edu pure blend, because it enables school teachers or the technical department of the school to deploy a complete learning environment in their schools. As the release of Bullseye approaches, we would like to be able to release this documentation in as many languages as possible.
You may find the current PO file with the Danish translation on salsa at: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-edu/debian-edu-doc/-/blob/master/documentation/debian-edu-bullseye/debian-edu-bullseye-manual.da.po Since this translation still contains some fuzzy or untranslated strings, we would be very welcome you completing the translation. Please let us know if you think you are able to update this translation over the next few weeks. Thanks in advance. On behalf of the Debian Edu team, Frans Spiesschaert