Hi Tobias, the Danish update joe@pc:~/over/debianp/isoquery$ msgfmt --statistics -c -v -o /dev/null da.po da.po: 20 oversatte tekster.
bye Joe -------------------------------------------- Den fre 10/6/16 skrev Dr. Tobias Quathamer <to...@debian.org>: Emne: Translation update of isoquery Til: "Joe Hansen" <joedalt...@yahoo.dk> Cc: "Danish" <debian-l10n-danish@lists.debian.org> Dato: fredag 10. juni 2016 17.56 Hi, the translation of isoquery has changed and now some strings are not translated. I would be grateful if you could take some time to update your translation. You can either send the .po file to me or use github: <https://github.com/toddy15/isoquery/tree/master/po> Regards, Tobias
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