Hi all,
We have recently updated the content of Debian refcard for Stretch. Since the last translator for your language (in CC) did not respond, I would like to ask, if someone here is willing to take the time to update the translation for Danish. A browseable web interface for the subversion repository can be found on http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/ddp/manuals/trunk/refcard/ You can checkout the source code for refcard with svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/ddp/manuals/trunk/refcard refcard Or feel free to drop me a mail, I can sent you the po file via mail, if you prefer. Please file a wishlist bug against the refcard package, or sent the file directly to me, when you have the translation ready. Feel free to ask, if you have any questions. Many thanks Holger -- ============================================================ Created with Sylpheed 3.5.0 under D E B I A N L I N U X 8 . 0 " J E S S I E " . Registered Linux User #311290 - https://linuxcounter.net/ ============================================================