> Thanks, I'd already set a build going with your first patch and my variant
> of your second patch for the UART thing. The build went fine and I have now
> pushed the result to our git tree so it will be in the next upload. I don't
> have any orion5x to test on.
> My version of the UART change is below, with your variant (without the
> "ICEDCC is not set") I would expect CONFIG_DEBUG_ICEDCC to be on by default
> and according to the Kconfig help text for things to not work without a
> debugger attached.

I believe your patch will generate the exact same final .config for
orion5x flavour.
Thank you!

> Did you try your version and find it worked?

Yes, I tested on the following kernel, confirmed booting well on
LS-WTGL (orion5x):
- jessie 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u5 kernel with my 0001 patch
- sid 4.2.5-1 kernel with my 0001 and 0002 patch

Looking forward to see the upcoming upload. Thank you!


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