On Sun, 2014-05-25 at 18:52 -0300, Mauricio Faria de Oliveira wrote:
> >> +##
> >> +## file: drivers/net/ethernet/ibm/Kconfig
> >> +##
> >> +#. qemu-kvm with kernel only (no initrd).
> >
> > qemu supports initrd.
> Oh, sure. I was too lazy to write a better comment, but the reason
> here is that specified in the patch header: just a convenience not
> to generate an initrd when we don't have a system yet (say,
> debootstrap --second-stage), and then booting it without using an
> initrd.
> That means, not to have to extract the deb package, and picking the
> ibmvscsi, ibmveth, blk_dev_sd, ext4_fs modules, plus shell, mount,
> insmod, other binaries; then creating the init script).
> Really, just a convenience. We can ship/tell people how to create
> a simple initrd for debootstrapping from other architectures.
> The thing with ppc64el is that it's usually not available for most
> people to start on, so that debootstrap --second-stage (for running
> in qemu-kvm, at least) is quite a common scenario nowadays.

Can you not run the second stage using qemu-ppc64le-static (or whatever
it's called)?


Ben Hutchings
Humans are not rational beings; they are rationalising beings.

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