Thu, 11 Apr 2013, 14:43 +02:00 from Karsten Malcher <>: > Am 04.04.2013 20:04, schrieb Bob Bib: > > Is it working OK with other systems? Have you checked if it works under MS > Windows with the latest driver? > > Yes - it is working with the latest windows driver. > ... > But the interesting question is: Why it works running the windows driver? > So if this is an chinese imitation then there are thousands or millions of > them running out there. > It would be still interesting to get them working in Linux also.
Looks strange enough. As for me, one fake PL-2303-clone adapter I have works (equally bad) in Linux & Windows (and only old patched Windows drivers recognize it). Another counterfeit one seems to get recognized & work in Linux & Windows (with latest drivers), though I haven't tested it thoroughly. Well, back to yours: more info still needed needed for debugging (though I'm not a maintainer, but just another average Debain user). 1) Maybe it can't work at high speeds? E. g., in Windows you normally use it at 9600 baudrate, while trying to run it at 115200 in Linux. 2) Also, the pl2303 kernel module seems to have a debug option, maybe it can be of some help... ---- Best wishes, Bob