Sorry, i forgot to answer to this:

>----Messaggio originale----
>Data: 5-ago-2012 10.39
>A: ""<>
>Cc: <>
>Ogg: Re: Segfault while using mv/&quot;fusermount -u&quot; with sshfs share
>Yeah, that's not good.  Thanks for reporting it.  Am I correct in
>assuming this only happened during one boot and you have not been able
>to make it happen again?

I exclude it could be an ssh server issue, since it happened again with a 
local cp/mv involving a ramdisk.
I think it could be a ram (or ram handling)  issue.

Right now i replaced the ram (8GB) with the old one (4GB) . I'll test the 
system for some days (maybe a week ) and if it doesnt crash i'll then try to 
put the 8GB ram back and see if things change with a ramdisk with < 6.8G space.


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