Forwarding to the bug log. Please use your mailer's reply-to-all
feature in the future so others can pick up the thread if I end up too
busy or miss important details.
--- Begin Message ---
Hello again,
patching failed, may be I am just overwhelmed by this all and
installed the wrong things. :-(
Got for example "tree in not stable" or similar when trying to do what
the "patch page" says. Also there is mentioned in a file the source is
for "Debian unstable" which I installed from the package manager,
while I'm sure I have "Debian testing". I also forgot to actually
unpack the tar ball. Doing it now but no time now to deal with it. May
be one of the next days, but no promise here. I really don't have the
time to elaborate what to do now.
I also did not send something to the maintainers as I still don't know
what exactly. I feel like an idiot now, sorry. Can't you just forward
them what they need?
Little update: I booted the new kernel, still no luck with adhoc. But
used the wicd this time. Unless I gave 5 times the wrong WEP key to
access the other adhoc computer it was rejected every time with "bad
But I was able to connect to a different WEP secured managed source.
So it seems to NOT be a problem with the authentication. Unfortunately
I have no physical access to the other adhoc computer I use to connect
to to have internet. So I cannot try an unencrypted connection.
I also tried to add you to my Gmail chat (; this email
address shall not be published in public, while I use a different one
here) but you might not have chat or the time. We could have tried a
chat instead of emailing.
Sorry for all of that, my head is spinning.
With kind regards, Ankman
On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 13:52, Jonathan Nieder <> wrote:
> (Resending to the correct bug. Sorry for the duplicate messages, Ankman
> and David.)
> Hi,
> Ankman wrote:
>> Am I supposed to send all I sent to you previously to the addresses
>> given in this mail? So the dmesg log and my setup? Can't you do it
>> instead? I don't want to make a mistake.
> More important than the logs (which they can get e.g. through a link to
> <>) is a succinct summary of the problem.
> I usually ask bug reporters to make the first contact with upstream
> so they can add additional information if appropriate and choose an
> appropriate time to be able to reply to followups if busy.
>> I also might later (cannot guarantee though) be able to apply the
>> patch you provided. But I didn't apply pages since quite some time and
>> have not much time. If you are interested that I try this can you
>> please provide me with all console commands how I do this?
> Thanks! Here's a summary of the page[1] I mentioned before:
> # as root:
> apt-get source linux-2.6
> apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts
> apt-get build-dep linux-2.6
> # as a normal user:
> cd linux-2.6-<version>
> bash debian/bin/test-patches <path to patch>
> # or, for parallel build:
> bash debian/bin/test-patches -j <num> <path to patch>
> # as root:
> dpkg -i ../<name of package>
> reboot
> [...]
>>>> ifconfig wlan0 down
>>>> iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc
>>>> iwconfig wlan0 my-essid
>>>> iwconfig wlan0 key 12345
>>>> ifconfig wlan0
>>>> route add default gw
> As David Goodenough hinted, upstream might be more comfortable working
> with the "ip" and "iw" tools from the iproute and iw packages. Something
> like this:
> ip link set wlan0 down
> ip link set wlan0 up
> iw dev wlan0 interface add ah0 type ibss
> ip link set ah0 up
> iw dev ah0 ibss join my-essid 2412
> ip address add dev wlan0
> ip route add default via dev wlan0
> ...
> iw dev ah0 ibss leave
> ip link set ah0 down
> ip link set wlan0 down
> Running "iw event -t" in another terminal while doing this can give
> interesting progress information. And "dmesg" tends to report errors,
> as usual.
> Hope that helps,
> Jonathan
> [1]
--- End Message ---