On Fri, 2011-10-07 at 09:14 +0300, Heikki Lindholm wrote:
> 7.10.2011 8.01, Ben Hutchings kirjoitti:
> > On Mon, 2011-10-03 at 20:05 +0300, Heikki Lindholm wrote:
> >> Shouldn't this bug rather be filed against the kernel. The pata_macio
> >> module doesn't autoload because the pci id of the keylargo controller
> >> isn't listed in the pci match table of the module. The generic macio
> >> code matches anything Apple (no idea why, too painful to find out all
> >> ids?) and maybe pata_macio should, too.
> >
> > ide_pmac and pata_macio have exactly the same table of PCI device IDs.
> Probably irrelevant as ide_pmac was =Y intead of =M, no?
> > Further, if a device's ID isn't in the table then not only will the
> > module not be auto-loaded but loading it manually will have no effect
> > because the driver won't be matched to that device.
> Some chips attach through pci, some through the macio platform driver.

Oh, duh, sorry.

> I think listing the pci id of the macio chip would allow the autodetection 
> to work, but would probably not be the correct solution. Maybe the 
> problem is in udev or whatever, I don't know anything about those 
> things, or most other things for that matter, but I still don't think 
> force-loading the module in initramfs is the cleanest solution. I'm also 
> pretty sure that if the config had PATA_MACIO=Y, it would work.

Yes, that seems like the right thing to do.


Ben Hutchings
For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism. - Harrison

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