reassign 625826 libnfsidmap2
retitle 625826 missing manpage idmapd.conf
forcemerge 585083 625826

On 05/06/2011 11:20 AM, Sebastian Harl wrote:

> Hi,
> the rpc.idmapd(8) manpage refers to the manpage idmapd.conf (SEE ALSO).
> However, there is no such manpage (any more). According to upstream Git
> commit 207cf7, the manpage was moved to libnfsidmap.
> It would be nice to have this manpage available again. Imho, the most
> appropriate place would be the nfs-common package but since that depends
> on libnfsidmap2, shipping it in the latter would be fine (and more
> straight-forward) as well. So, please feel free to reassign as you seem
> fit :-)

There are already 2 bugs open about this, merging it with the others...
They even 'affect' nfs-common, so it's strange that it does not show up
when filing bugs?

The idmapd.conf file is provided by libnfsidmap2, so it's only logical
that the manpage is also provided by that same package AFAICT.



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