Package: firmware-linux-free
Version: 2.6.32-30
Severity: wishlist

Just out of curiosity went through all the files


and checked that debian includes corresponding source code. I could not
find source code for cis/* and became worried. After a while I learned
that that CIS stands for Card Information Structure and is apparently
data, not at all software?

Just to clear things up, would it be possible to mention this
explanation for the lack of source code somewhere?

I had to

1) apt-get source pcmciautils
2) cd pcmciautils-015/debug
3) make

to get dump_cis and then use

4) for i in firmware/cis/*; do echo "==== Parsing $i"; objcopy -I ihex -O 
binary $i a; /home/lindi/debian/debian-pcmciautils/pcmciautils-015/dump_cis -f 
a; done

to get a human readable view to the CIS data:

==== Parsing firmware/cis/3CCFEM556.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x2d
  05 00 33 43 6f 6d 00 4d 65 67 61 68 65 72 74 7a 
  20 33 43 43 46 45 4d 35 35 36 00 4c 41 4e 20 2b 
  20 35 36 6b 20 4d 6f 64 65 6d 00 00 ff 
vers_1 5.0, "3Com", "Megahertz 3CCFEM556", "LAN + 56k Modem", ""

offset 0x36, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  01 01 56 05 
manfid 0x0101, 0x0556

offset 0x3c, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  00 00 
funcid multi_function

offset 0x40, tuple 0x06, link 0x0b
  02 00 4d 00 00 00 00 6b 00 00 00 
 function 0: attr 0x004d
 function 1: attr 0x006b

offset 0x4f, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x54, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 00 
funcid network_adapter

offset 0x58, tuple 0x1a, link 0x06
  05 07 00 10 67 02 
config base 0x1000 mask 0x0267 last_index 0x07

offset 0x60, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  87 01 19 01 55 64 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x07
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x000f [lines=4] [8bit] [16bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x6d, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x72, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x76, tuple 0x1a, link 0x06
  05 27 00 11 77 02 
config base 0x1100 mask 0x0277 last_index 0x27

offset 0x7e, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  a7 01 19 01 55 23 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x27
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

==== Parsing firmware/cis/3CXEM556.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x2c
  05 00 33 43 6f 6d 00 4d 65 67 61 68 65 72 74 7a 
  20 33 43 58 45 4d 35 35 36 00 4c 41 4e 20 2b 20 
  35 36 6b 20 4d 6f 64 65 6d 00 00 ff 
vers_1 5.0, "3Com", "Megahertz 3CXEM556", "LAN + 56k Modem", ""

offset 0x35, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  01 01 35 00 
manfid 0x0101, 0x0035

offset 0x3b, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  00 00 
funcid multi_function

offset 0x3f, tuple 0x06, link 0x0b
  02 00 4c 00 00 00 00 69 00 00 00 
 function 0: attr 0x004c
 function 1: attr 0x0069

offset 0x4e, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x53, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 00 
funcid network_adapter

offset 0x57, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 07 00 08 63 
config base 0x0800 mask 0x0063 last_index 0x07

offset 0x5e, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  87 01 19 01 55 64 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x07
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x000f [lines=4] [8bit] [16bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x6b, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x70, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x74, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 27 00 09 63 
config base 0x0900 mask 0x0063 last_index 0x27

offset 0x7b, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  a7 01 19 01 55 23 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x27
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

==== Parsing firmware/cis/COMpad2.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x1f
  04 01 41 44 56 41 4e 54 45 43 48 00 43 4f 4d 70 
  61 64 2d 33 32 2f 38 35 00 31 2e 30 00 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "ADVANTECH", "COMpad-32/85", "1.0", ""

offset 0x28, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 01 
funcid serial_port [post]

offset 0x2c, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 05 00 01 03 
config base 0x0100 mask 0x0003 last_index 0x05

offset 0x33, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0e
  c1 81 18 aa 61 e8 02 07 e8 03 07 30 b8 9e 
cftable_entry 0x01 [default]
  io 0x02e8-0x02ef, 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=10] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x9eb8 [level]

offset 0x43, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  82 01 08 aa 60 30 03 0f 
cftable_entry 0x02
  io 0x0330-0x033f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x4d, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  83 01 08 aa 60 40 03 0f 
cftable_entry 0x03
  io 0x0340-0x034f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x57, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  84 01 08 aa 60 50 03 0f 
cftable_entry 0x04
  io 0x0350-0x035f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x61, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  85 01 08 aa 60 60 03 0f 
cftable_entry 0x05
  io 0x0360-0x036f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x6b, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/COMpad4.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x1f
  04 01 41 44 56 41 4e 54 45 43 48 00 43 4f 4d 70 
  61 64 2d 33 32 2f 38 35 42 2d 34 00 00 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "ADVANTECH", "COMpad-32/85B-4", "", ""

offset 0x28, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 01 
funcid serial_port [post]

offset 0x2c, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 02 00 01 01 
config base 0x0100 mask 0x0001 last_index 0x02

offset 0x33, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  c1 81 18 aa 60 40 02 1f 30 b8 9e 
cftable_entry 0x01 [default]
  io 0x0240-0x025f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x9eb8 [level]

offset 0x40, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  82 01 08 aa 60 40 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x02
  io 0x0340-0x035f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x4a, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/DP83903.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x29
  04 01 4d 75 6c 74 69 66 75 6e 63 74 69 6f 6e 20 
  43 61 72 64 00 00 00 4e 53 43 20 4d 46 20 4c 41 
  4e 2f 4d 6f 64 65 6d 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "Multifunction Card", "", "", "NSC MF LAN/Modem"

offset 0x32, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  75 01 00 00 
manfid 0x0175, 0x0000

offset 0x38, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  00 00 
funcid multi_function

offset 0x3c, tuple 0x06, link 0x0b
  02 00 49 00 00 00 00 6a 00 00 00 
 function 0: attr 0x0049
 function 1: attr 0x006a

offset 0x4b, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x50, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 00 
funcid network_adapter

offset 0x54, tuple 0x1a, link 0x06
  05 17 20 10 77 02 
config base 0x1020 mask 0x0277 last_index 0x17

offset 0x5c, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0c
  97 01 79 01 55 65 30 ff ff 28 40 00 
cftable_entry 0x17
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x001f [lines=5] [8bit] [16bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]
  memory 0x0000-0x3fff @ 0x0000

offset 0x6c, tuple 0x13, link 0x03
  43 49 53 

offset 0x71, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x75, tuple 0x1a, link 0x06
  05 07 40 10 77 02 
config base 0x1040 mask 0x0277 last_index 0x07

offset 0x7d, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  87 01 19 01 55 23 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x07
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

==== Parsing firmware/cis/LA-PCM.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x05
  d4 f9 53 e9 ff 
  fn_specific 100ns, 64kb
  FLASH 150ns, 60kb

offset 0x09, tuple 0x17, link 0x03
  53 38 ff 
  FLASH 150ns, 4kb

offset 0x0e, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  0f c0 02 00 
manfid 0xc00f, 0x0002

offset 0x14, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 03 
funcid network_adapter [post] [rom]

offset 0x18, tuple 0x15, link 0x39
  04 01 41 6c 6c 69 65 64 20 54 65 6c 65 73 69 73 
  2c 4b 2e 4b 00 45 74 68 65 72 6e 65 74 20 4c 41 
  4e 20 43 61 72 64 00 43 65 6e 74 72 65 43 4f 4d 
  00 4c 41 2d 50 43 4d 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "Allied Telesis,K.K", "Ethernet LAN Card", "CentreCOM",

offset 0x53, tuple 0x1a, link 0x06
  02 10 00 00 02 0b 
config base 0x20000 mask 0x000b last_index 0x10

offset 0x5b, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  81 01 08 e0 60 00 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x01
  io 0x0200-0x021f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x65, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  82 01 08 e0 60 20 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x02
  io 0x0220-0x023f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x6f, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  83 01 08 e0 60 40 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x03
  io 0x0240-0x025f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x79, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  84 01 08 e0 60 60 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x04
  io 0x0260-0x027f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x83, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  85 01 08 e0 60 80 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x05
  io 0x0280-0x029f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x8d, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  86 01 08 e0 60 a0 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x06
  io 0x02a0-0x02bf [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x97, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  87 01 08 e0 60 c0 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x07
  io 0x02c0-0x02df [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xa1, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  88 01 08 e0 60 e0 02 1f 
cftable_entry 0x08
  io 0x02e0-0x02ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xab, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  89 01 08 e0 60 00 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x09
  io 0x0300-0x031f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xb5, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8a 01 08 e0 60 20 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0a
  io 0x0320-0x033f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xbf, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8b 01 08 e0 60 40 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0b
  io 0x0340-0x035f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xc9, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8c 01 08 e0 60 60 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0c
  io 0x0360-0x037f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xd3, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8d 01 08 e0 60 80 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0d
  io 0x0380-0x039f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xdd, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8e 01 08 e0 60 a0 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0e
  io 0x03a0-0x03bf [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xe7, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  8f 01 08 e0 60 c0 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x0f
  io 0x03c0-0x03df [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xf1, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  90 01 08 e0 60 e0 03 1f 
cftable_entry 0x10
  io 0x03e0-0x03ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xfb, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/MT5634ZLX.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x01

offset 0x05, tuple 0x15, link 0x22
  04 01 4d 75 6c 74 69 54 65 63 68 00 50 43 4d 43 
  49 41 20 35 36 4b 20 44 61 74 61 46 61 78 00 00 
  00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "MultiTech", "PCMCIA 56K DataFax", "", ""

offset 0x29, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  00 02 01 00 
manfid 0x0200, 0x0001

offset 0x2f, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x33, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 27 80 ff 67 
config base 0xff80 mask 0x0067 last_index 0x27

offset 0x3a, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0f
  cf 41 8b 01 55 01 55 01 55 aa 60 f8 03 07 28 
cftable_entry 0x0f [default]
 [rdybsy] [audio] [pwrdown]
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  Vpp1 Vnom 5V
  Vpp2 Vnom 5V
  io 0x03f8-0x03ff [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x4b, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  97 01 08 aa 60 f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x17
  io 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x55, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  9f 01 08 aa 60 e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x1f
  io 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x5f, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a7 01 08 aa 60 e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x27
  io 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x69, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/NE2K.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x15
  04 01 50 43 4d 43 49 41 00 45 74 68 65 72 6e 65 
  74 00 00 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "PCMCIA", "Ethernet", "", ""

offset 0x1e, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 00 
funcid network_adapter

offset 0x22, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 20 f8 03 03 
config base 0x03f8 mask 0x0003 last_index 0x20

offset 0x29, tuple 0x1b, link 0x09
  e0 01 19 01 55 65 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x20 [default]
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x001f [lines=5] [8bit] [16bit]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x34, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/PCMLM28.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x15
  04 01 4c 49 4e 4b 53 59 53 00 50 43 4d 4c 4d 32 
  38 00 00 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "LINKSYS", "PCMLM28", "", ""

offset 0x1e, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  43 01 ab c0 
manfid 0x0143, 0xc0ab

offset 0x24, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  00 00 
funcid multi_function

offset 0x28, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 2f f8 03 03 
config base 0x03f8 mask 0x0003 last_index 0x2f

offset 0x2f, tuple 0x1b, link 0x10
  e4 01 19 01 55 e0 61 00 03 1f f8 02 07 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x24 [default]
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0300-0x031f, 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x41, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  a5 01 08 e0 61 20 03 1f f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x25
  io 0x0320-0x033f, 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x4e, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  a6 01 08 e0 61 40 03 1f f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x26
  io 0x0340-0x035f, 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x5b, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  a7 01 08 e0 61 60 03 1f f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x27
  io 0x0360-0x037f, 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x68, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  a8 01 08 e0 61 00 03 1f e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x28
  io 0x0300-0x031f, 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x75, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  a9 01 08 e0 61 20 03 1f e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x29
  io 0x0320-0x033f, 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x82, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  aa 01 08 e0 61 40 03 1f e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x2a
  io 0x0340-0x035f, 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x8f, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  ab 01 08 e0 61 60 03 1f e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x2b
  io 0x0360-0x037f, 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0x9c, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  ac 01 08 e0 61 00 03 1f e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x2c
  io 0x0300-0x031f, 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xa9, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  ad 01 08 e0 61 20 03 1f e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x2d
  io 0x0320-0x033f, 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xb6, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  ae 01 08 e0 61 40 03 1f e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x2e
  io 0x0340-0x035f, 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xc3, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  af 01 08 e0 61 60 03 1f e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x2f
  io 0x0360-0x037f, 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]

offset 0xd0, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/PE-200.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x1e
  04 01 50 4d 58 20 20 20 00 50 45 2d 32 30 30 00 
  45 54 48 45 52 4e 45 54 00 52 30 31 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "PMX   ", "PE-200", "ETHERNET", "R01"

offset 0x27, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 03 
funcid network_adapter [post] [rom]

offset 0x2b, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 01 00 01 01 
config base 0x0100 mask 0x0001 last_index 0x01

offset 0x32, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0e
  c1 81 19 01 55 e0 51 00 0f 10 0f 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x01 [default]
  Vcc Vnom 5V
  io 0x0000-0x000f, 0x0010-0x001f [lines=0] [8bit] [16bit] [range]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x42, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/RS-COM-2P.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  00 00 ff 
  NULL 0ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x15, link 0x16
  04 01 50 43 4d 43 49 41 00 52 53 2d 43 4f 4d 20 
  32 50 00 00 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "PCMCIA", "RS-COM 2P", "", ""

offset 0x1f, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 01 
funcid serial_port [post]

offset 0x23, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 03 00 01 01 
config base 0x0100 mask 0x0001 last_index 0x03

offset 0x2a, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0e
  c1 81 18 aa 61 e8 03 07 e8 02 07 30 b8 9e 
cftable_entry 0x01 [default]
  io 0x03e8-0x03ef, 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=10] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x9eb8 [level]

offset 0x3a, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  82 01 08 aa 61 50 02 07 58 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x02
  io 0x0250-0x0257, 0x0258-0x025f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x47, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  83 01 08 aa 61 60 02 07 68 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x03
  io 0x0260-0x0267, 0x0268-0x026f [lines=10] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x54, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/SW_555_SER.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x01

offset 0x05, tuple 0x17, link 0x03
  41 00 ff 
  EEPROM 250ns, 512b

offset 0x0a, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  3f 01 10 07 
manfid 0x013f, 0x0710

offset 0x10, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x14, tuple 0x15, link 0x2a
  07 00 53 69 65 72 72 61 20 57 69 72 65 6c 65 73 
  73 00 41 69 72 43 61 72 64 20 35 35 35 00 41 35 
  35 35 00 52 65 76 20 31 00 ff 
vers_1 7.0, "Sierra Wireless", "AirCard 555", "A555", "Rev 1"

offset 0x40, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 03 00 07 73 
config base 0x0700 mask 0x0073 last_index 0x03

offset 0x47, tuple 0x1b, link 0x0b
  e0 01 18 a3 60 f8 03 07 30 bc 3f 
cftable_entry 0x20 [default]
  io 0x03f8-0x03ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x3fbc [level]

offset 0x54, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a1 01 08 a3 60 f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x21
  io 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x5e, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a2 01 08 a3 60 e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x22
  io 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x68, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a3 01 08 a3 60 e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x23
  io 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x72, tuple 0x1b, link 0x04
  a4 01 08 23 
cftable_entry 0x24
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]

offset 0x78, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/SW_7xx_SER.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x01

offset 0x05, tuple 0x17, link 0x03
  41 00 ff 
  EEPROM 250ns, 512b

offset 0x0a, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  92 01 10 07 
manfid 0x0192, 0x0710

offset 0x10, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x14, tuple 0x15, link 0x37
  07 00 53 69 65 72 72 61 20 57 69 72 65 6c 65 73 
  73 00 41 43 37 31 30 2f 41 43 37 35 30 00 47 50 
  52 53 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 72 6b 20 41 64 61 70 74 
  65 72 00 52 31 00 ff 
vers_1 7.0, "Sierra Wireless", "AC710/AC750", "GPRS Network Adapter",

offset 0x4d, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 03 00 07 73 
config base 0x0700 mask 0x0073 last_index 0x03

offset 0x54, tuple 0x1b, link 0x10
  e0 01 19 78 4d 55 5d 25 a3 60 f8 03 07 30 bc 86 
cftable_entry 0x20 [default]
  Vcc Istatic 45mA Iavg 50mA Ipeak 55mA Idown 20mA
  io 0x03f8-0x03ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x86bc [level]

offset 0x66, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a1 01 08 a3 60 f8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x21
  io 0x02f8-0x02ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x70, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a2 01 08 a3 60 e8 03 07 
cftable_entry 0x22
  io 0x03e8-0x03ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x7a, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a3 01 08 a3 60 e8 02 07 
cftable_entry 0x23
  io 0x02e8-0x02ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x84, tuple 0x1b, link 0x04
  a4 01 08 23 
cftable_entry 0x24
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]

offset 0x8a, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x01

offset 0x05, tuple 0x17, link 0x03
  41 00 ff 
  EEPROM 250ns, 512b

offset 0x0a, tuple 0x20, link 0x04
  92 01 10 07 
manfid 0x0192, 0x0710

offset 0x10, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  02 00 
funcid serial_port

offset 0x14, tuple 0x15, link 0x2f
  07 00 53 69 65 72 72 61 20 57 69 72 65 6c 65 73 
  73 00 41 43 38 35 30 00 33 47 20 4e 65 74 77 6f 
  72 6b 20 41 64 61 70 74 65 72 00 52 31 00 ff 
vers_1 7.0, "Sierra Wireless", "AC850", "3G Network Adapter", "R1"

offset 0x45, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 03 00 07 73 
config base 0x0700 mask 0x0073 last_index 0x03

offset 0x4c, tuple 0x1b, link 0x10
  e0 01 19 78 4d 55 5d 25 a3 60 f8 48 07 30 bc 86 
cftable_entry 0x20 [default]
  Vcc Istatic 45mA Iavg 50mA Ipeak 55mA Idown 20mA
  io 0x48f8-0x48ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]
  irq mask 0x86bc [level]

offset 0x5e, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a1 01 08 a3 60 f8 47 07 
cftable_entry 0x21
  io 0x47f8-0x47ff [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x68, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a2 01 08 a3 60 e8 48 07 
cftable_entry 0x22
  io 0x48e8-0x48ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x72, tuple 0x1b, link 0x08
  a3 01 08 a3 60 e8 47 07 
cftable_entry 0x23
  io 0x47e8-0x47ef [lines=3] [8bit] [range]

offset 0x7c, tuple 0x1b, link 0x04
  a4 01 08 23 
cftable_entry 0x24
  io 0x0000-0x0007 [lines=3] [8bit]

offset 0x82, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

==== Parsing firmware/cis/tamarack.cis.ihex
Socket 9
offset 0x02, tuple 0x01, link 0x03
  d4 00 ff 
  fn_specific 100ns, 512b

offset 0x07, tuple 0x17, link 0x03
  41 00 ff 
  EEPROM 250ns, 512b

offset 0x0c, tuple 0x15, link 0x24
  04 01 54 41 4d 41 52 41 43 4b 00 45 74 68 65 72 
  6e 65 74 00 41 00 30 30 34 37 34 33 31 31 38 30 
  30 31 00 ff 
vers_1 4.1, "TAMARACK", "Ethernet", "A", "004743118001"

offset 0x32, tuple 0x21, link 0x02
  06 00 
funcid network_adapter

offset 0x36, tuple 0x1a, link 0x05
  01 20 f8 03 03 
config base 0x03f8 mask 0x0003 last_index 0x20

offset 0x3d, tuple 0x1b, link 0x14
  e0 81 19 3f 55 4d 5d 06 86 46 26 e5 51 00 0f 10 
  0f 30 ff ff 
cftable_entry 0x20 [default]
  Vcc Vnom 5V Vmin 4500mV Vmax 5500mV Istatic 100mA
 Iavg 170mA Ipeak 200mA
  io 0x0000-0x000f, 0x0010-0x001f [lines=5] [8bit] [16bit] [range]
  irq mask 0xffff [level]

offset 0x53, tuple 0x14, link 0x00

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 6.0
  APT prefers stable
  APT policy: (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=C, LC_CTYPE=fi_FI (charmap=ISO-8859-1)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash

-- no debconf information

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