
it seems that if I debuild the linux-2.6 package multiple times in a
row and increment the version number it does not remove the old
debian/linux-support-* directories.

Is there some reason why it is not removed on clean? If not, would the
attached patch be ok?

Index: linux-2.6/debian/rules
--- linux-2.6/debian/rules	(revision 16542)
+++ linux-2.6/debian/rules	(working copy)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 clean: debian/control
-	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) $(STAMPS_DIR) debian/lib/python/debian_linux/*.pyc debian/linux-headers-* debian/linux-image-* debian/linux-tools-*
+	rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) $(STAMPS_DIR) debian/lib/python/debian_linux/*.pyc debian/linux-headers-* debian/linux-image-* debian/linux-tools-* debian/linux-support-*
 binary-indep: $(STAMPS_DIR)/source-base

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