Hi Ben,

for the record, this workaround works for me: build a custom udeb and put the 
following into a file in /usr/lib/post-base-installer.d/$some_filename

# work around # 587887
grep -v cdrom /target/etc/fstab > /target/etc/fstab.new
mv /target/etc/fstab /target/etc/fstab.bak
mv /target/etc/fstab.new /target/etc/fstab
# avoid warning that no boatloader is installed by installing one early
chroot /target apt-get -y install grub
mkdir -p /target/boot/grub
chroot /target update-grub

Preseeding that warning about no bootloader didnt work. I used:

linux-base      linux-base/disk-id-manual-boot-loader   error   

On Freitag, 27. August 2010, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> I think we've discussed this before.  

Yes. In this report.

> linux-base is supposed to be quiet 
> during a fresh system installation.  It uses this heuristic:
> # No upgrade work is necessary during a fresh system installation.
> # But since linux-base is a new dependency of linux-image-* and did
> # not exist until needed for the libata transition, we cannot simply
> # test whether this is a fresh installation of linux-base.  Instead,
> # we test:
> # - does /etc/fstab exist yet (this won't even work without it), and
> # - are any linux-image-* packages installed yet?
> sub is_fresh_installation {
>     if (-f '/etc/fstab') {
>       for (`dpkg-query 2>/dev/null --showformat '\${status}\\n' -W
> 'linux-image-*'`) { return 0 if / installed\n$/;
>       }
>     }
>     return 1;
> }
> If you think this gives the wrong answer, please propose an alternative.

I cant come up with a reliable one. As we already discussed, not 
having /var/log/installer must not mean anything :/

> Note that if you hack the lenny installer to install a backported kernel
> and suppress the libata transition code in linux-base, this may result
> in configuration files that use unstable device names.  You should
> consider using the testing installer instead.

That's not feasable due to other customisations we've done. The above 
workaround works for us, so...


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