Le vendredi 14 septembre 2007, maximilian attems a écrit : > any unstable kernel installs just fine on testing. > > woow instead of loosing blabla time a simple upgrade could have > been done long ago. i told you the reality 2.6.21 is _not_ supported. > it is also certainly not the version with which Lenny or any d-i > will be released. > > so your report is missing vital info.
Obviously you missed Luk when he said >>The version specified is the version in testing... If you had read the 4th line of my bug report, you would knew that this bug occurs also with other kernel versions (2.6.15, 2.6.18...) and then you would, maybe, have been able to be a little bit useful by providing more useful guidance than telling "use [one more] another version". I'll loose the blabla time and the bug reporting time. It would surely have taken less time to install a new kernel than trying to communicate with you: but I would have to do this each time a new version is released while no one would still have read a single line of my initial report and will no warantee that someone will read complementary info posted afterwards. To sum up, you are simply diverting the BTS "moreinfo" tags into a "Iwontsupportthisversionincludedintesting" which I really doubt it was meant for. And I think the CC to debian-devel is justified, in this case, because we are not talking about the bug, but about the way you handle bugs. Apparently, you decided that for the kernel linux, quite an important piece of software, it was ok to: "Tag any bug that is against an old version with moreinfo in the ping mail. Gives the submitter a clear indication that this bug needs an update." (From your blog http://www.itp.tuwien.ac.at/~mattems/blog/ ) while Debian BTS states that moreinfo tag means: "This bug can't be addressed until more information is provided by the submitter. The bug will be closed if the submitter doesn't provide more information in a reasonable (few months) timeframe. This is for bugs like It doesn't work. What doesn't work?" (From http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#tags ) Do you really feel it is ok to consider that the fact that the submitter have not tried every new version of the package means "This bug can't be addressed until more information is provided". Do you really feel the fact a user have not tried every new version while giving plenty of details of what precisely does not work is like a bug report saying "it does not work" without saying what exactly? Do you really feel it means it is okey to close such reports that you have not read just because the submitter failed to reply to a ping? Considering how central is linux in a GNU/Linux operating system, it cannot be harmless to follow such bugs management policy. So I would be interested to know if such policy is endorsed by debian developers in general. If so, then please update the BTS docs about the tags so bugs submitter knows easily that their reports will easily go to limbo unread. In the meantime, I'll pray and hope upstream maintainers of linux will fix this annoying bug. -- Mathieu Roy