On Mon, 2007-05-07 at 18:26 +0200, Tobias Stefan Richter wrote:
> Three additional pieces of information on this:
>       * ifconfig reports the rx errors as frame errors 
>         (ca. 30% of all packets)
>       * it really was blocking my rsync transfer
>       * limiting to 10MBit-FD with mii-tool helped: no more
>         errors, rsync works

You might want to try 100MBit-HD, I've had similar issues with this NIC
chipset, and it came down to the implementation of it FD mode on
100MBit. I tried it with 3 different manufacturers of switched, 2
managed and one non-managed. Same results each time.

I've switch to a PCI NIC on for obvious reasons.
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