This seems to be fixed "upstream", along with other issues regarding ieee1394 
on linux 2.6.19, according to [0]:

kernel 2.6.19 release notes
From: Stefan Richter:
 Date: 2006-12-03 3:00 am
eth1394: memory alignment problem fixed
ieee1394: recursive locking fixed
ohci1394: initializes before most other device drivers to aid kernel debugging 
with firescope
raw1394: kernel freeze in address range mapping functions fixed

Since I also experimented a kernel panic because of this bug, I think that the 
proper severity should be re raised, since it surely "breaks the system up".

Could this code merged on 2.6.18 or the whole 2.6.19 shall be let entering 
unstable and then etch ? 
(And since bug# are still high, maybe the shortcoming 2.6.20 could be 
considered for future inclusion in unstable too... joking!)


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