I cannot get netconsole working reliably. I can successfully load
the module and the settings echoed by dmesg seem right
but on the target machine/MAC address, nothing
ever arrives.

modprobe netconsole [EMAIL PROTECTED]/eth0,@


netconsole: local port 6665
netconsole: local IP
netconsole: interface eth0
netconsole: remote port 6666
netconsole: remote IP
netconsole: remote ethernet address 00:11:2f:6b:c8:69
netconsole: network logging started

I have opened 6666/udp on the iptables filter on and
have nc -l -u -p 6666 listening.

The MAC address is correct: dev cable lladdr 00:11:2f:6b:c8:69 REACHABLE

If I add module and the above settings to /etc/modules, it gets
loaded on startup and sends all of dmesg up to this point
"netconsole: network logging started" over the wire (and I see that
in the console from where I started netcat in listening mode), but
then nothing ever follows.

I have tried disabling syslogd+klogd (syslog-ng in my case), and
I have tried not configuring the eth0 interface with
/etc/network/interfaces (just leaving it unconfigured). However,
during and after boot, nothing makes another line appear on the
remote console.

Am I doing something wrong? How can I test that the netconsole is
working? I tried something simple like

  modprobe 8139too; rmmod 8139too

While this definitely causes kernel messages, they do not appear on
the other side.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
NP: Porcupine Tree / Voyage 34

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