On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 04:34:00PM +1000, Paul Szabo wrote:
>I am somewhat curious: who is Steinar, and who are you?

Steve Langasek is the Debian Release Manager
Steinar H. Gunderson is a Debian Developer, comaintainer of nfs-utils

>I had submitted a bug against nfs-kernel-server; the maintainer there is
>Anibal. You jumped in and re-jiggled the severity; then there were some
>messages from Steinar, never anything from Anibal. After re-assigning to 
>linux-2.6.16 (hmm... why the specific version?) where the maintainer is
>a nebulous committee, again you re-jiggle severity; and no word from the

Steinar's word is good enough for me about this matter.

The kernel team is a group of debian developers responsible for the kernel

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar

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