I 've used the kernel 2.4 for a long time, but 2.4 kernel doesn't support the udev and other new features so I decide to upgrade the kernel from 2.4 to 2.6.16. but when I installed the kernel 2.6.16, all the depends seems OK, but when I reboot my box,  and  select  2.6 kernel  it  hangs up for a while and print "waiting for the root systems...." and failed. I searched it in google it seem someone have the same problem on the ubuntu but have no methods to solve. I the mailinglist of Debian-gb someone told me it's because my box have a sata hard disk, but 2.4 kernel recognise it with common ide-disk, so use it with /dev/hda but 2.6 kernel doesn't so, I should change the configure file of grub. When I changed the menu.lst it solved. did it's a bug? I think it seems a problem of upgrading scripts. could you fix it?

my box is using the intel-P4 and chipset i915(?) and seagate sata 200g hard disk

thanks for your reading

                                                                                                                                                best regards

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