tags 347933 + help thanks #include <hallo.h> * Maximilian Attems [Tue, Jan 24 2006, 10:04:56PM]:
> once your kernel is tainted good luck in debugging such a piece. > it is _not_ in debian's interest to support out of the tree driver, > especially proprietary ones. Good morning Mr. DPL (oh, sorry, I mean Mr. Unassigned Applicant), here is your mission: Step out into the world to teach that damn non-free supporting bastards the word of the Lord of Free Software, make them know The Real Virtues of the Great Debian Distribution and understand The Real Meaning Of Live. Amen. Eduard. -- <stockholm> Overfiend: why dont you flame him? you are good at that. <Overfiend> I have too much else to do. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]