Dear kernel maintainers,

I am a bit torn if I should report a bug on behalf of reports by others. If you think I should report a bug, I'll be happy to do so, otherwise kindly see this as an FYI.

On Reddit there are several users that have experienced bugs in regards to not begin able to start systemd-journald.service with kernels 6.1.0-29, -30 and my assumption is also -31 from bookworm. This results in their machine not being bootable.

I've been asking users to report the bug, but it seems they are willing to keep booting an older kernel and forego on reporting a bug. I myself don't have any issues with the kernel nor are there any follow-ups to the threads.

The only thing I know there has been a change between -28 and -29 that triggers this behaviour. Perhaps any of you know what the cause might be based on the changelog(s).

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Wesley Schwengle

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