I hoped the new kernel would fix this bug, but it is still present in kernel 6.12.9-amd64. When booting 6.11.10, everything is good and present, but booting any 6.12.x kernel misses the second monitor.
- Bug#1091788: linux-image-6.12.6-amd64: second monitor not recog... Heinz Repp
- Bug#1091788: bug is still present with kernel 6.12.9 Heinz Repp
- Bug#1091788: and also still present with kernel 6.12.10 Heinz Repp
- Bug#1091788: and also still present with kernel 6.12.11 Heinz Repp
- Bug#1091788: and also still present with kernel 6.12.12 Heinz Repp