*Dear Maintainers,*

I’m reporting a compatibility issue with the pm80xx driver on Linux,
affecting LTFS operations on the ATTO ExpressSAS H680 HBA. The error
prevents successful mounting of LTFS tapes and appears to stem from the
driver’s handling of SCSI data transfer lengths.
*Problem Details:*

   - *Hardware*: ATTO ExpressSAS H680 HBA
   - *Driver*: pm80xx
   - *Linux Distribution*: Proxmox (Debian-based kernel)
   - *Kernel Version*: Proxmox 6.8.12-2-pve

*Description of the Issue:*

When attempting to mount a tape with LTFS, the mount process fails with the
following error during the index read operation:

LTFS30216W Length mismatch is detected. (Act = 524288, resid = 0,
resid_sense = 523235).

As a result, the tape does not mount.

*Background and Additional Information:*

The same hardware setup functions as expected on macOS using the ATTO
vendor driver, which leads me to believe that the issue may lie in the
pm80xx driver’s handling of SCSI transfer lengths for this device.

The Debian kernel maintainers have directed me to report this issue
upstream as it may not be specific to the Debian kernel. I plan to
test it with a standard Debian kernel when possible, but I’m currently
unable to do so.

Please let me know if additional debugging or testing would be helpful.

Best regards,
Joseppe Mayer

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