Processing control commands: > clone -1 -2 Bug #1085184 [apt] apt: calculation for /boot too conservative? Bug 1085184 cloned as bug 1085208 > reassign -2 src:linux Bug #1085208 [apt] apt: calculation for /boot too conservative? Bug reassigned from package 'apt' to 'src:linux'. No longer marked as found in versions apt/2.9.8. Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1085208 to the same values previously set > retitle -2 linux-*: Provide information about /boot space usage Bug #1085208 [src:linux] apt: calculation for /boot too conservative? Changed Bug title to 'linux-*: Provide information about /boot space usage' from 'apt: calculation for /boot too conservative?'. > seveirty -2 wishlist Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
-- 1085184: 1085208: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems