On 24/07/2024 10.58, Diederik de Haas wrote:
On Sunday, 21 July 2024 13:13:23 CEST Simon John wrote:

What IS a general solution is upgrading initramfs-tools to version 0.143
currently available in Experimental as that can handle symlinks to
*directories*, whereas 0.142 could only deal with symlinks to files.

I can confirm that 0.143 solve this issue

case 1) initramfs-tools 0.142, no firmware-nvidia-graphics

$ ls -lh /boot/efi/xxxx/6.9.6/initrd.img-6.9.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 74M 2024-07-22 22:43 

case 2) initramfs-tools 0.142, firmware-nvidia-graphics 20240610-1 installed

$ sudo apt install firmware-nvidia-graphics
$ sudo update-initramfs -k 6.9.6 -u
$ ls -lh /boot/efi/xxxx/6.9.6/initrd.img-6.9.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 244M 2024-07-24 18:51 

case 3) initramfs-tools-* 0.143, firmware-nvidia-graphics 20240610-1 installed

$ ls -lh /boot/efi/xxxx/6.9.6/initrd.img-6.9.6
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 114M 2024-07-24 18:56 

          0.143     0.142          nvidia blob            initrd size
          ======    =====          ===========            ===========
case 1)               X                                       74M
case 2)               X                X                     244M
case 3)      X                         X                     114M

size of initrd of case 3) is bigger that the size of initrd of case 1), but it 
is expected
because in case 1) I don't have the nvidia binary at all. However case 3) is 
half of the
case 2), and this is right because I have the nvidia binary but I don't have 
the multiple
copy in the initrd.

I already mentioned this in message #44, so it's rather disappointing that
people insist on ranting about the problem, but not willing to try the
suggested solution. Or they did and just didn't care to report the results
back, which normally means it did fix the problem.

To be fair you wrote:

)  There was a relatively recent upload of initramfs-tools 0.143 to
) *Experimental* and I'm curious if that would help in this case.

So it was not really clear that it was a solution; it seemed that it *could* be
a possible solution; this to explain why nobody care it too much.

Anyhow, 0.143 solve this issue.


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