Please, always keep the bug address in To/CC so everyone can track progress!

I think proton is quite horrible as it encourages top posting and generally
makes using email properly difficult, but please adjust for their shortcomings.

On Thursday, 2 November 2023 14:46:05 CET Peter Malmberg wrote:
> Good news!
> The problem seems to have been fixed in the rc4 kernel.

No, it means the bug was not present in Debian's 6.5-rc4 kernel.
But the bug is reported against version 6.5.6-1, so this *could* be a
regression ... assuming the bug is also present in a Debian kernel ... has other/newer
kernels then 6.5~rc4. Please try if the bug still appears with this one:

If that still doesn't show the problem, then you'd need to try a
non-rt kernel as the RT patch set has been disabled since 6.5.6-1.
But RT or not should not make a difference for this issue.

> Do you know if this fix will find itself into the other zen and liquorix
> kernels?

I do not know nor care about zen or liquorix kernels; you should ask them.

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