Control: reassign -1 src:linux 5.10.149-2
Control: tag -1 moreinfo

On maandag 31 oktober 2022 11:30:29 CET Taavi Ansper wrote:
> Package: Linux Kernel
> Version: 5.10.19
> After the new security patch to upgrade kernel to 5.10.19 we noticed that
> our external NetApp disk bay drives did not show up in our servers. Further
> investigation pinpointed this to the mpt3sas driver.

Are you using Xen? We had a/2 recent reports wrt mpt3sas (#1022126) but that 
involved Xen.

> Here is dmesg output.
> mpt3sas_cm0: failure at
> drivers/scsi/mpt3sas/mpt3sas_scsih.c:11069/_scsih_probe()!

Can you share more, preferably all, of the dmesg output?

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