source: linux version: 6.0.2-1+b1 severity: important Upgrading the package of the currently running kernel, e.g. for rebuilds like 6.0.2-1+b1, breaks module loading until the next reboot. Trying to load modules by applications, e.g. qemu, will fail:
Oct 21 22:23:23 debianHome kernel: BPF: type_id=1457 bits_offset=0 Oct 21 22:23:23 debianHome kernel: BPF: Oct 21 22:23:23 debianHome kernel: BPF: Invalid name Oct 21 22:23:23 debianHome kernel: BPF: Oct 21 22:23:23 debianHome kernel: failed to validate module [tun] BTF: -22 Maybe this is hard to fix, due to signature changes, so maybe the postinst should print a strong reboot recommendation?