Tue, 15 Jun 2021 13:04:54 +0200 HolyTaint <holyta...@disroot.org>:
> I stumbled upon this answer from three years ago 
> (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=898446)
> "User namespaces *are* enabled - but by default, they can only be created by 
> root".
> I need clarifications on that, cause I didn't quite know how namespace 
> management works.
> I experimented a bit, from what I got it creates a namespace originating from 
> the user asking it, and using it as normal user was disabled by default 
> because it clearly adds lots of attack surface by exposing code that would 
> normally be used by just root. Also in this little space there is a mapping 
> between namespace users and originating user
> What I didn't quite got is, does this patch allow creating namespaces 
> belonging to an user from root, thus avoiding the possibility of privilege 
> escalation, or having user namespaces running from unprivileged users is a 
> threat by itself? 
> I ask this because I'm particularly concerned about unprivileged containers 
> support. While it is certainly good not having access to critical pieces of 
> the linux kernel to regular UIDs it may be counterproductive in cases of a 
> single user deputated just for running unprivileged containers, if there is 
> no other way of creating such unprivileged namespaces
> If there are some infos I'm missing please explain them or link resources, I 
> searched what I could but apparently it wasn't enough
Please give me infos on this issue. I believe it is really important for 
developing solutions which make full use of the linux kernel namespace 
capabilities while avoiding potential pitfalls

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