Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> reassign 336509 yaird
Bug#336509: linux-image-2.6.14-1-686: Install fails: "yaird error: malformed 
line in /etc/fstab:9 (fatal)"
Bug reassigned from package `linux-image-2.6.14-1-686' to `yaird'.

> severity 336509 normal
Bug#336509: linux-image-2.6.14-1-686: Install fails: "yaird error: malformed 
line in /etc/fstab:9 (fatal)"
Severity set to `normal'.

> merge 336636 336509
Bug#336509: linux-image-2.6.14-1-686: Install fails: "yaird error: malformed 
line in /etc/fstab:9 (fatal)"
Bug#336636: fails on fstab line without optional fields
Merged 336509 336636.

> reassign 336647 linux-2.6
Bug#336647: directory "/include/asm-i386" is missing in package 
Bug reassigned from package `linux-headers-2.6.14-1-k7' to `linux-2.6'.

> reassign 336295 linux-2.6
Bug#336295: linux-headers-2.6.14-1: arch specific include/asm-$(ARCH)/ headers 
are not included in linux-headers-2.6.14-1 packages
Bug reassigned from package `linux-2.6' to `linux-2.6'.

> reassign 336521 linux-2.6
Bug#336521: linux-headers-2.6.14-1-686-smp: includes/asm link and asm-i386 
directory missing
Bug reassigned from package `linux-headers-2.6.14-1-686-smp' to `linux-2.6'.

> severity 336647 important
Bug#336647: directory "/include/asm-i386" is missing in package 
Severity set to `important'.

> severity 336295 important
Bug#336295: linux-headers-2.6.14-1: arch specific include/asm-$(ARCH)/ headers 
are not included in linux-headers-2.6.14-1 packages
Severity set to `important'.

> tags 336647 + pending
Bug#336647: directory "/include/asm-i386" is missing in package 
There were no tags set.
Tags added: pending

> tags 336295 + pending
Bug#336295: linux-headers-2.6.14-1: arch specific include/asm-$(ARCH)/ headers 
are not included in linux-headers-2.6.14-1 packages
There were no tags set.
Tags added: pending

> merge 336521 336295
Bug#336295: linux-headers-2.6.14-1: arch specific include/asm-$(ARCH)/ headers 
are not included in linux-headers-2.6.14-1 packages
Bug#336521: linux-headers-2.6.14-1-686-smp: includes/asm link and asm-i386 
directory missing
Merged 336295 336521.

> merge 336521 336647
Bug#336521: linux-headers-2.6.14-1-686-smp: includes/asm link and asm-i386 
directory missing
Bug#336647: directory "/include/asm-i386" is missing in package 
Bug#336295: linux-headers-2.6.14-1: arch specific include/asm-$(ARCH)/ headers 
are not included in linux-headers-2.6.14-1 packages
Merged 336295 336521 336647.

> tags 336431 - moreinfo
Bug#336431: linux-source-2.6.14: pptp connection tracking fails to compile
Tags were: moreinfo
Tags removed: moreinfo

> stop
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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