Control: severity -1 grave Raising severity, since this current kernels are completely unusable on at least some hardware (i.e. the one I use here), since the temperature just explodes. I'd say grave is justified already by potential hardware damages of systems running even at little actual load at 100 °C not to talk about the fact that one can effectively not upgrade to >5.2 kernels and thus miss any security updates.
I've just checked the 5.4 packages from sid and the described issue still occurs. It seems to me that it's likely somehow graphics related, cause if I do nothing (i.e. the screen also does nothing) the temperatures go down to acceptable ~60°C .. but if I just scroll up and down e.g. in my email client's mail list (which ist just the list of subject/from/etc. lines), the temperature goes up to 80°C And still, as previously described, even if I stop the actions that caused the temperatures going up (like no longer scrolling up/down) it takes quite a while till CPU temperatures go down again (eventually they do). Downgrading to 5.2 and everything's back to normal. Cheers, Chris.