
You can have a look at this site
https://packages.debian.org/fr/stretch/linux-image-amd64, supposing
you want to install a kernel image for amd64.

Stretch is the current stable release with kernel 4.9.110.
Buster is the next stable release (testing)
Sid is the development release (unstable).

In your case, I think you need to focus on Stretch as you probably
want something stable.
You can download an iso image for installing stretch here

I hope it helps,


2018-07-18 9:27 GMT+02:00 cmurugan <cmuru...@mcci.com>:
> Hello Sir,
> I'm System administrator. I'm asked to install kernel 4.9 in debian OS. But
> I'm not sure which debian OS have 4.9 kernel. So could you please share me
> "debian OS with kernel list " at the time debian OS release.
> Thanks,
> Murugan Chandrasekar

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