I'm having the same issue on a LAMINA tablet. A collegue has a similar tablet with Mint on it, that one has INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TI built as a module (it can be seen with lsmod). It seems this module is not built in Debian.
The following could maybe be relevant: # CONFIG_INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTWC is not set # CONFIG_INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TICONFIG_INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TICONFIG_IN TEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TI is not set I think these are for different controllers. I tried enabling CONFIG_INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TI as a module, but upon booting the newly installed kernel it panics (I think it can't find the boot file system, not sure how to properly do this, or if I did something wrong). Also screen brightness is non-working, in the boot log I can see something about "Failed to own the pwm chip". Also suspend/resume is very flaky, sometimes it works once, but then never wakes up (actually I think it's still running, as the battery seems to drain), maybe this is somehow related to power management or that it fails turning on the screen again. //Marcus