Computer crime!!! Momondo booking service stops booking (video) and shows insane prices (inexaction) Phone 3G doesn't work, computer webcam resolution changes during record of video [hacked computer] (video) My clock is stopped and restarted etc (remote controlled electronics). LinkedIn stops access to publishing anything (hostel computer). I need help!!! They want to destroy me. Tomas Ukkonen Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Postmottak Politiets enhet for vandelskontroll og politiattester <> wrote: > Din epost er registrert hos politiet. Saksbehandlingstiden er i dag 2 uker. > Har dere spørsmål vedrørende politiattester, henviser vi til > Vi kan kontaktes på telefon 78 98 93 > 60. Våre åpningstider er: Mandag 0830 - 1500 Torsdag 0830 - 1500 Your email > has been registered.. You will receive reply within 2 weeks. For questions > about Criminal Record Certificate, we refer to the > Or on telephone 78 98 93 60. > Telephonehours: Monday 0830 - 1500 Thursday 0830 - 1500