On Mon, 2017-01-02 at 02:34 +0000, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> Let's try without that -pie:
>     $ ld -m elf64lppc -T arch/powerpc/boot/zImage.lds -o 
> arch/powerpc/boot/zImage.pseries arch/powerpc/boot/pseries-head.o 
> arch/powerpc/boot/of.o arch/powerpc/boot/epapr.o ./zImage.15656.o 
> arch/powerpc/boot/wrapper.a
>     $
> Surprise, it works!  So we need to filter out -pie here as well.

But that doesn't make sense.  gcc-6's implicit -pie has been a problem
in some places, but this is kbuild explicitly passing -pie where we are
still using gcc-5.


Ben Hutchings
Q.  Which is the greater problem in the world today, ignorance or
A.  I don't know and I couldn't care less.

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