Control: tags -1 confirmed

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 7:49 AM, Kristen <> wrote:
> On 4/12/16 4:10 AM, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Since the OP of #697606 does not have the hardware anymore, I am
>> thinking of closing the bug report.
>> Does anyone have access to an iBook G3 and wants to update the bug ?
>> thx
> I just preformed an install of Jessie with the 3.16.7-ckt25-1 kernel. I
> find that suspend gives indications of working.

ok, taggind as confirmed.

> However very little else appears to work. I do not have networking, I do
> not receive a login screen (lightDM), and I can not start X. I am not
> sure if anything works other then a virtual terminal. Perhaps this
> taints the results some.

Could you run some comparison with ubuntu ppc:

The only way to solve this situation is to solve the issue one by one
(network and X at least).

Once you are confident with one issue (say network), please do a open
a new bug report (CC me).


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