New batch, got to run to a meeting, will finish off later. -- Horms;a=tree;h=931f32e10913cbb20170dd90623aacb2139a8129;hb=1f61f31059270a271c6fcb7c3c5782dda85238eb;f=queue kbuild-fix-tags-problem-with-o.patch - Not in 2.4.27 qla2xxx-fc_remote_port_add-failure-fix.patch - Not in 2.4.27 rocket_c-fix-ldisc-ref-count.patch - Applies to 2.4.27, need to rediff and apply to our tree, not sure about upstream x86_64-32bit-memleak.patch - still need to check skb-signedness-fix.patch - still need to check netfilter-deadlock-ip6_queue.patch - Applies to 2.4.27 (176_net-ipv4-netfilter-untracked-refcount.diff) - Applies to upstream 2.4, will submit netfilter-NAT-memory-corruption.patch - Applies to 2.4.27 (174_net-ipv4-netfilter-nat-mem.diff) - Applies to upstream 2.4, will submit netfilter-ip_conntrack_untracked-refcount.patch - Applies to 2.4.27 (175-net-ipv6-netfilter-deadlock.diff) - Applies to upstream 2.4, will submit ipsec-array-overflow.patch - Not in our ipsec backport to 2.4.27, but the backport probably wants updating bio_clone-fix.patch - Not in 2.4.27 sys_get_thread_area-leak.patch early-vlan-fix.patch - Not in 2.4.27 powernow-dual-core-amd-oops.patch - Not in 2.4.27 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]