reassign 286552 discover
retitle 286552 NIC order change breaks interfaces file

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 15:05 -0500, Adam C Powell IV wrote:
> Package: kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386
> Version: 2.6.8-10
> Severity: important
> Greetings,
> Upgrading from -9 to -10 has rendered the built-in rhine network adapter
> on my VIA EPIA-based machine completely unusable.  Rebooting into 2.4.27
> works just fine; booting back into 2.6.8 it becomes unusable again.

It turns out that this is a problem in discover: more recent versions
reorder modules such that via-rhine comes after ieee1394 networking,
making it eth1 instead of eth0, but all that the user sees is that
networking no longer works.  An even more recent discover upgrade fixes
this on the VIA machine, but it is  still broken on a laptop (Fujitsu
Lifebook P2120), where the rtl8139-compatible NIC comes third after
orinoco_pci (wireless) and firewire.

I consider this breakage because it requires /etc/network/interfaces to
be rewritten for the different eth numbers under different kernels (2.4
without firewire and orinoco puts the wired NIC at eth0, 2.6 puts it at
eth2), particularly with static addresses.  A consistent order with say
all of the hard-wired NICs first, wireless second, and firewire last
would clear this up.


GPG fingerprint: D54D 1AEE B11C CE9B A02B  C5DD 526F 01E8 564E E4B6

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