On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 03:39:32PM +0900, Horms wrote:
> > Still, I wonder about the ioctl errors that I see with fdisk.
> I took a breif look at initrd and for reference have included
> how it handles mdadm below. I think that the important bit
> is that it passes not only the md device but its component
> devices to mdadm -A (--assemble). It seems to me that as your
> invocation does not do that, it is going into a code path
> in mdadm that has a bug in it and thus segfaults. In a nutshell,
> I don't think it is a kernel problem.

I forgot to mention that I tried passing the component devices to
mdadm along with the /dev/md0.  Still a segfault.  I haven't tried
with the UUID, too.

> -- 
> Horms
> getraid_mdadm() {
>         mdadm=$(mdadm -D "$device") || {
>                 echo "$PROG: mdadm -D $device failed" >&2
>                 exit 1
>         }
>         eval "$(
>                 echo "$mdadm" | awk '
>                         $1 == "Raid" && $2 == "Level" { print "echo " $4; 
> next }
>                         $1 == "Number" && $2 == "Major" { start = 1; next }
>                         $1 == "UUID" { print "uuid=" $3; start = 0; next }
>                         !start { next }
>                         $2 == 0 && $3 == 0 { next }
>                         { devices = devices " " $NF }
>                         END { print "devices='\''" devices "'\''" }
>                 '
>         )"
>         printf '%s\n' $devices > getroot
>         echo mdadm -A /devfs/md/$minor -R -u $uuid $devices \
>                 > md$minor-script
>         echo /sbin/mdadm >&6
> }

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